What To Do… I 60C

Sawyer had never thought to call himself a coward. As far as he was concerned, he’d never done anything to warrant himself being called a coward until now. Until he spent three days avoiding his father and not being able to come up with anything to say to his brother and therefore did not bother finding out where he is or trying to talk to him.

And what’s more, he couldn’t write. He couldn’t bring himself to, he felt too disappointed in himself to write. And not just because he can’t talk to Tom, but because Tom was so right about everything that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Sure when aunt Mona came to talk to him in school, he didn’t listen but hearing it filled with such anguish from Tom… it burrowed deep. Part of this is his fault. He had ruined what’s left of their family and no one knows as much as him how much their mom loved having them all together.