Still Sawyer couldn’t write. His guilt had not left him. Things aren’t… good with Tom. Sure he has to wait till tonight to see him again and even then he did not see the purpose of it. What are they supposed to say? He had no excuse for his behavior. In fact, Tom had called him out on all of it and admitted Tom was right, which technically they both already did, it wouldn’t automatically make him less upset.
Honestly, he had no clue what his father is thinking. He had no clue last night when he suddenly made him leave his dinner and leave the house or when he declared they’ll come back today. It made him anxious. This is not something he’s had to deal with, he’s never upset anyone to this point before. He could always get Peggy to forgive him, his mom to let it go and Raina to laugh at it. He sighed heavily. He might just have to follow his dad’s lead. Wherever it takes them.
“Sawyer.” Kevin called, concerned for Sawyer. No longer watching the movie.