A Night… II 67A

What exactly are they here to do if she’s here? The answer was obvious. Show their faces as the dads representatives. He knew that. And she will be the voice of the dads. He would have asked why Tate isn’t with her but Tate probably didn’t know they were coming here and so didn’t bother coming to a stuffy gala with his mom. Unlike them and Lacey. Well, back to eavesdropping on gossip about people he doesn’t know.

“This must be very boring for you.”

Sawyer sucked in a breath. That voice, so calm, so wise, so alluring. When did she walk up to him? He looked down at her feet and only saw the hem of a very lovely dress then looked up to her with a bright smile. “Miss Lawes, of course not. It’s very informative. There are so many people and things to learn and most especially, I have the pleasure of your time, twice.”

She smiled softly, knowingly. The corners of her eyes creasing, her lashes burning red. “Aren’t you tired?”