Three Times… I 68B

In the lunch bar. It will be easy to forget all of this if the whole school wasn’t talking about Trip following some weirdo around like a lost puppy. Good thing she doesn’t love him that way anymore, or she would have lost it and one heart break over him is enough thank you very much. It’s been months though, and still... All because Tanner kissed her once and somehow that got Trip interested and that put her on the Holloway map.

But then it makes her wonder, are they all alike? Coming back to Bradley and Christopher and Diana, that went horribly wrong for both boys, are Trip and Tanner the same? There was Abby which was a real shock and now there’s Lacey, who sounds a lot like Laney and since she hasn’t seen any Laney in her class and Lacey is in Tann-

“What are you thinking about so deeply?” Blake asked, leaning into her, startling her. “You’ve been really out of it lately.”