Good Brother… I 69A

=Steph strode in the second Simone opened the door. “The house is empty.” She announced as she went straight for the living room, sadness evident on her face.

“Which house?”

“Where are the children?” She looked around the living room then turned to see her sister coming up to her.

“Napping. I’m guessing you mean yours?”

“Yes.” She found her seat and sank into it. “I went home early thinking I can spend the rest of the day with Peggy, seeing as Tanner has left to visit Shane.”

“He’s gone already?” Simone sat across from her.

“Yes.” She nodded.

“Wow. So was Peggy not home?”

“Yes, she wasn’t, but she should have been. She doesn’t have anything she’s doing after school. At least I don’t think.” She rubbed the side of her face.

“Sculpting classes are over?”

“Months now Simone.” She continued before Simone could Interrupt her with more questions. “It was so quiet, I was forced to realize what it’s going to be like when they’re gone.”