Good Brother… I 69B

Lamp posts all through the paths made it easy for the crowd of curious visitors and students to make their way to the grand garden where the play was going to be take place. Sawyer, Tate, Tom, Otto, Noelle and Laura all together as they made their way there. Tate walking with Sawyer leading the way, Otto, Noelle and Laura behind them and Tom behind the three. “So she does exist.”

“Shut up.” Sawyer said, trying not to laugh. “What’s wrong with Tom?” He looked back, seeing his brother’s head down cast then quickly turned back, a split second away from bumping into someone.

“He’s just been out of sorts lately.”

“How lately?” Suddenly more concerned.

Tate shrugged. “I don’t know mate. He’s always up and down and up and down-“

“So it’s normal then?”

“I don’t think so. It feels like he’s desperate.”

“Desperate? Desperate how?”

“I honestly haven’t had a clue what’s going with him in months. But this just feels different. He’s not the only one though.”