“… Sadey, please.” He heard him say and damn the desperation, in his voice, in his form; Tom’s back to him. “I know, just- wait- La-“ His breath seized, his hand holding his phone to his ear fell weakly, his head dropped and he stiffened in a way that only meant restraint in frustration.
Sawyer’s forehead creased. “Tom.” He called softly then rounded him to face him. “What is it?”
“She’s no freaking annoying.” Whoa! He did not expect to hear that. Tom looked up, his frustration in his eyes, on his face. “She doesn’t react when she should, she keeps things bottled up, she’s so stubborn, she never budges, she doesn’t give in, she scares me. I know I said she’s different and she is but- Abby and Misty and all the others, there’s nothing wrong with them. They don’t look at me or other people like they’re hiding something or planning something, they let their feelings show and they react exactly when they should, in one way or another.