She Already Left

I couldn't believe my ears. What was I going to do now? Ten minutes? There was no way I'd make it in time to stop her even if I sped there. I immediately thanked the receptionist and asked Tricia for the airport that Emma had gone to. But while driving, I had so many questions flooding my mind. If she was truly Emma, why did she say she was in California for the first time when she had actually grown up there? How come her skin was as smooth as a baby's despite all the whipping and torture? Did she perhaps recognize me but lie to me to avoid me? What on earth was going on? I needed answers immediately.

I arrived in eight minutes. Oh no! Two minutes left. I rushed in but was too late as I heard the flight hostess announce the departure of the last plane leaving for New York "My sister's gone", I cried aloud. I went back home to Tricia who had been very worried about me. She immediately rushed to me and began throwing tons of questions at me like "Any luck?", "Did you speak to her?", "Talk to me.", "What happened?"

I wasn't in the mood for questions so I just stormed up to my room and shut the door telling Tricia not to bother me. Later, I had to lie to Tricia that I hadn't met her at all even though I knew I unknowingly had at the hotel. But I knew she would query me for spending the night in a hotel so I had to lie. The next day, I went to the same airport I had gone to the previous day.

I met one of the staff to ask about Emma but she blatantly refused saying it was against professional ethics. I was so annoyed. All the time, professional ethics had to ruin everything. Then, I suddenly smiled and said "Not if money doesn't have anything to say about it." Finally, she gave in. She began narrating:

"Four years ago, a young lady with injured and bruised skin came running in and said she wanted to leave the country as soon as possible. I didn't know why but I arranged her flight in two weeks to go to New York. She came back two days ago but looked completely different. Her bruised skin now shone like gold, her face looked different and she had a different name. Marina Daisy! I was shocked and decided to question her. After speaking to her, it was clear she wasn't pretending. She truly had lost her memory. That was really queer but who am I to interfere? That is all you need to know Mr Jeff."

I immediately thanked her and rushed out. I immediately called Ian, my secretary. "Arrange my flight to New York with my private jet. I need to find out more about Marina... I mean Emma", I said impatiently. "Yes sir", he replied and I hung up. Ian called me an hour later and said "Sir, once you arrive in New York, go to Green Cross Hospital. That was the same hospital where Emma had been treated four years back. Perhaps, her records there can help you find answers to your questions. I have found this out from one of my friend's wife who works there as a doctor. Her name is Dr Angelica. Your jet is ready sir. You need to leave now", he concluded. I smiled broadly and replied "Thank you so much Ian. You're the best. I have no idea what I would do without you.". "No need to thank me. I am just doing my job sir", came his reply and I hung up. What a noble man!

I immediately bade Tricia goodbye and packed a few of my things. "Let me come with you", she suggested but I turned her down. " I am going to amend my mistakes. Stay here and take care of my music business. Star Entertainment needs to be well taken care of if not I'll lose all my funds and investments. Goodbye", I said and walked away.