The Truth Is Revealed

I arrived in New York after eight tiring and worrisome hours. I immediately took a cab to the hospital Ian had talked about. It didn't take me more than fifteen minutes to get there. Once I arrived, Dr Angelica was waiting for me at the entrance. She welcomed me in and said "I will tell you everything you need to know about this. Come with me to my office." I followed her immediately.

Once inside, she began explaining " Four years ago, a young girl of about eighteen years was rushed to this hospital. She had been hit by a car and her whole body was bruised as if she had been whipped a thousand times. We took her in for plastic surgery and once we were done, her face which had been seriously injured shone like gold. Her skin was also given treatment by our very best dermatologist- Mr Andy. This girl was in a coma for six months. I thought she would not survive but miraculously she woke up and she really recuperated quickly much to our shock. The only sad thing is she had amnesia which means memory loss. We discharged her two months after she woke up."

I sank into the chair. My poor sister! She went through all this because of my mistrust. She had been falsely accused, whipped, and been hit by a car. Just then, I remembered to ask a very important question. I began "Can you remember who rushed her here?". "Oh yes. A middle aged sweet couple rushed her in and claimed her to be Marina Daisy, their daughter. Their names were Mr and Mrs Daisy. I actually believed that because they treated her like their own daughter. What I'm trying to say was that they paid the bills which costed a fortune. They would stay by her bed side every single day and mutter words of prayer. They ensured she got proper treatment and would scream at us if a tiny mistake was made. Parental love was what I thought it was. It was when Ian called and explained the whole ordeal that I found out she wasn't their daughter but your sister".

"Do you know where the couple lives?", I asked. "No, but if you can get where Emma lives then you'll find them because they live as a family", she replied. I thanked her and decided to ask the receptionist. "Please, do you know any whereabouts of Emma.. I mean Marina Daisy?" Shd hesitated for a while. Of course professional ethics again! But surprisingly replied "Sure. Anything for my biggest celebrity. I am a huge fan of your music Mr Boston. Star Entertainment is very popular around here even though it is stationed in California. Here's her house address. I am also a big fan of her acting". I smiled as she slipped me a card with Marina's address and asked "Wait! She is an actress?"

"Of course. A really popular one for that matter.", she replied. "But how come I never knew? I don't hear anything about it in California." She flashed a smile and continued "It's because she's trying to keep it low for now. Later, she'll expand her career and people in California will get to know about it." I smiled and thanked her. I lodged at a hotel for the mean time I would be staying in New York. Just then, Tricia called me and I picked. She began talking "Your biggest client- Mr Josh has decided to hold a meeting with you and other successful musicians. He wants to discuss your next album. You need to be back by tomorrow or else how will I tell him you're in New York chasing after your sister?"

I smiled and replied "I believe in you. You can handle it right? Don't blow this off. Just tell him I'm on business here and he'll let you off the hook." She went ballistic on me "Are you out of your mind? Lie? What if we get caught you lunatic? Then, your whole career that you've worked hard for all these years will come crumbling down." I was so pissed off "You got a better idea? Figure this out but don't you dare ruin this for me". She hung up angrily and I frowned. She never listened to me. What a stubborn brat!