Sweet Revenge

I immediately attacked the director. I punched his face and threw him to a nearby wooden table causing it to break. His nose began to bleed much to my satisfaction. I then ran to Emma and picked her up and saw how swollen and red her cheek was with his fingerprints on them. I dropped Emma on a chair and rushed to the director who was now getting ready for a fight. I pulled his hair and threw him towards the stage. He was so injured that he coughed at blood. "There", I said dusting my hands and I picked up Emma. While in the car, she kept on sobbing.

I felt really heartbroken. I knew that the director had anger issues but he dared hit my sister! That was just round one. I would make him pay. We arrived at the hospital and ointment was applied on her cheek. Dr Angelica was really heartbroken to see her in such a state. She advised me to take her to my hotel room and allow her spend the night there. I thanked her and left.

Once we reached the hotel room, I carefully placed Emma on the bed and was about to leave to get some snacks when she dragged me back and clung onto my suit. "Please don't leave me. Please", she sobbed. My heart ached. "I'll be back. You need to eat something.", and with that I gently removed her hands from my suit and left the room. When I got back, I saw she was already asleep. I smiled and tucked her in properly but surprisingly she woke up and held my hands. "Thanks for always being there for me", she muttered before falling back into sleep. I smiled broadly. Then, a flash of darkness came over my face. I smiled evilly. Mr Walker- the director must be taught a lesson.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I didn't want Emma to hear that I wanted revenge because I knew she wouldn't like it. I dialed Ian's number and said coldly "I want his business to decline as soon as possible. His whole movie industry must go bankrupt and continually instigate the public against him. Understood? Everyone must know how he humiliated such a big star", and with that I ended the call.

Emma slept till evening and when she woke up, I was in the bathroom. When I came out, I saw her watching the news. Oh no! If she continued watching, she would find out about my involvement in Mr Walker going bankrupt all of a sudden because she knew I was the only one who cared that much. I made to switch off the television but it was too late as she asked "How did Mr Walker's flourishing business decline all of a sudden? Why is the public against him so much? It must have been done by someone very powerful. Don't you think?".

I gulped and admitted "Fine you caught me! But before you shout at me, you should know that I did all these for you." She nodded and I smiled. We both had dinner together and she went to freshen up. We then strolled round the hotel enjoying the beautiful view of the city before going back to the room. "Goodnight", I said. She grabbed my hands and smiled. "Thank you Jeff for all you've done for me. I am really grateful. No one's ever cared this much about me like you. Not even my parents.", she said while sobbing.

I dried her tears and she slept off. I went to sleep on the couch and I felt really happy that I was making up for lost time. Little did I know that this was the calm before the storm...