I Won't Leave You

NOTE: Jeff's POV

I smiled when I heard Emma's words. Even in darkness, I could see her on the floor shaking due to fright. I was really confused. What had happened to the power? I went to where Emma was and hugged her tight. "I won't leave you. Never.", I promised and immediately I said that, the lights came back on. Emma immediately withdrew from my grip. "Was that a prank? Did you plan this to make me say those words? I didn't mean to say them actually, I was just scared.", she replied pouting.

I laughed at her cute face and replied "I didn't plan anything. Now, where were we? Oh yes." I immediately rushed to the kitchen sink and fetched water in a cup. I poured some of it on my hand and splashed it on her. "There", I said laughing. "You!!!", she exclaimed while getting up. "I'll get you back.", she continued. Just then, I felt cold water being poured on me. I looked up to see her laughing. I got some water and poured it all over her hair and like that, we started playing and running around the house. Later, we got tired and ate the remaining pizza.

I went to where Emma was seated and took her hand. "Please forgive me for all the nasty things I said that day. I shouldn't have humiliated you like that. I really am a bad brother. I'll understand if you kick me out now. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.I'm also sorry for what Tricia did to you. I have punished her accordingly.", I said. She looked at me while frowning and said "You didn't hurt Tricia, did you?" The look on my face made it clear I did. "What is wrong with you?", she screamed. I stared at her blankly and asked "Don't you want her to pay for hurting you?"

"Yes but not in a way that'll completely break her.", she replied. Emma sighed and said "I want to be upset with you but I don't know why I can't. I want to hit you for all you've done but I can't. Honestly speaking, I don't think it would be easy for me to forgive you suddenly. I hope you understand." I nodded and got up to leave. "Where are you going?", she asked me. "A hotel. Goodnight.", I said waving. "Why stay at a hotel when you can stay here with me?", she asked.

"Would you really like me to stay here?", I asked. She nodded and I smiled. I went to get my suitcase from the car and when I came back, she asked me to watch a movie with her. I loved the movie so much. After the movie, we both went to bed. I woke up around ten o'clock in the morning and smelt pancakes. I immediately brushed my teeth and ran downstairs. I was right. On the table lay pancakes with syrup and bacon. I knew Emma had made them. I jumped to the table and began eating hungrily.

Emma smiled at me and said "Never knew you were this hungry." I replied "You are such a good cook. Thank you." She smiled and after breakfast, I helped clear the table and dishes. After freshening up, Emma and I were relaxing on the sofa when a call came in and she said she had urgent work at the studio. I offered to drop her but she politely refused and went upstairs to get ready. She came down in a few minutes and told me that there were some snacks in the cupboard in case I wanted some. I smiled and watched as she entered her car and it sped off. Little did I know trouble awaited...