The Real Life Of Ian Keene




"Who is there ?" Said the blond-haired male alpha who was staring blankly at the wall, while there were tears slowly running down his honey-colored cheeks.

But the second he heard the knock on his luxurious bedroom door, he immediately raised one of his hands wiping his tears away from his face and he also bit his lower lip trying as hard as he can to stop his sobs.

"It's me Ian" That was the blond-haired alpha's four-year-old sister who answered his question from behind his bedroom door.

Ian made sure to wipe all his tears before giving his little sister permission to enter his bedroom "You can come in Bella!!"

As soon as the little girl heard what her older brother said, she immediately raised one of her hands as she stood up on her toes just to reach the door hand in order to open it.

Bella walked towards her older brother who was now resting on the top of his king-sized bed, she wanted to sit next to Ian on his bed, but she was too short to reach where her brother was sitting.

Ian immediately forgot all his sadness and how bad he was crying and instead he started laughing looking at his little sister trying so hard to get on his bed, but she fails and falls on the floor every time she tries to climb the bed.

The blond-haired alpha stood up walking towards his sister in order to carry her in his arms saying " You could have just told me to help you, Bella!! "

He placed her on the bed and lie down next to her as she said "Ian dad told mommy he's coming tomorrow. I came to tell you that because I know that you get super happy when dad comes home "

A wide smile appeared on the blond-haired male's face because Bella was right, Ian always gets delighted when his father comes home.

The blond-haired alpha's father is a busy businessman because he is the CEO of the Keene Enterprises.

That is why he always gets extremely busy to the point that he does not get back home for more than three months. He comes home to spend a week or less with his family then he leaves again to another country or city.

Ian tried to talk to his father several times in order to convince him to spend more time with them, but he fails every time.

Because his father always tells him that he has to work so that he can provide everything they need and everything they desire, he also tells him that he is doing that for them and not for himself.

I mean don't get his father wrong he would die to spend more time with his family, he loves his children and his wife so much more than anything in this world.

But he just does not have any other choice, he does everything for his family.

Ian on the other hand totally understands his father, but he still wants him by his side, he still tries to convince him to stay with them a little bit more every time he comes back home even though he already knows what his father's answer is going to be.

The blond-haired alpha's father thinks that the only reason why his son wants him to spend more time with them is that Ian misses him and wants him by his side.

But little did he know that this is not the only reason why Ian tries every time to make him stay longer with them.

Ian does not just want his father to stay longer like any spoiled kid who is close to their father ..... Rather Ian needs his father to stay near him.

Because Ian feels safe only when his father is in the house, when his father leaves, Ian's safety leaves with him.

" Ian? Aren't you happy? I thought you will get super happy when you hear this news!" The blond alpha's thoughts were interrupted by his four-year-old sister's question.

He looked at her and smiled saying " I am! I'm happy! Thank you, Bella, that means a lot to me! Oh, come on my little princess don't pout like that! I was just thinking about something !"

Bella looked at him and said also she did not stop pouting " Just happy? I want you to be super super super happy Ian "

The blond male alpha smiled and said " Okay, I'm super super super delighted! Happy now ?"

The little girl giggled and nodded saying " By the way Ian, when are we going to start school this year?"

" Well, mine is going to start tomorrow, and I suppose yours too, " Said Ian as he was brushing his little sister's hair.

Bella suddenly turned around facing her brother since she was facing him with her back to brush her hair as she said " Oh my god, I forgot to tell you, Ian, mommy told me that she wants you in her office as fast as possible "

Ian's smile immediately disappeared when he heard what his little sister said to him, he gulped and faked a small smile saying " Okay Bella I will go see what Ms. Keene wants and I will be right back so that we can throw a tea party and I will also let you wear you princess' dress but under one condition !!"

Bella stood up and started jumping happily on the bed saying " Yes yes I will do anything, just let me do your makeup"

Ian just smiled and said " Okay I will, but you have to stay in my bedroom and don't go out until and I come back. Deal?"

She immediately nodded and answered him saying " Deal!!!"

The blond-haired alpha closed his bedroom door and went towards Bella's mother's office.

As soon as he opened the office door he found Bella's mother standing there looking at him coldly, he gulped and closed the door as he approached her saying " B-bella said that you called me, how may I help you .....
