Ian's Ex Boyfriend

The blond-haired alpha flashed his eyes open as he raised one of his hands messaging the area of his heart.

He was panting, sweating and his heart was racing, he had one of his horrible nightmares .... AGAIN!!

He took the bottle of water which was on the table beside his bed, he poured half of it on his clothes, because he was shaking a lot.

Ian took his phone looking at the numerous missed calls from his Ex-boyfriend Alex.

Alex is a gorgeous 19 year-old-male omega, he and Ian were best friends since they were just kids.

They used to love each other a lot !!

They both confessed their feeling to each other when they were just 15 years old,

They were more than just happy when they got to know that their feelings were not one-sided love.

They even thought ..... Sorry I mean they were so certain that they are fated mates, because of the way they feel when they are together.

They felt safe with each other.

They loved each other.

They trusted each other.

They respected each other.

They were both important to each other.

They could not spend even one day away from each other.

They were planning on marrying each other.

But sometimes things don't go the way we expect them to go.

Because when they turned eighteen last year, they realized that they were not fated mates, but they loved each other to the point that they just ignored this fact and continued their life believing they are mates.

But everything altered and nothing stayed the same, because just three days ago, Alex found his fated mate...

And guess what? It was not Ian.

++Flash Back:++

Two wolves were running in a huge forest, one of the wolves was white like ice and he also has blue ocean eyes.

While the other one was three times bigger than the white wolf. He was dark brown and he has orange-coloured eyes.

{Ian I'm tired please slow down alpha!!} The white wolf linked the alpha wolf who immediately stopped running and went back to him saying { Are you okay? I'm so sorry Alex, let's rest for a while. }

Both of them shifted back to their human forms and fortunately, they magically can keep their clothes on during the transformations between their human and wolf forms.

Ian smiled looking at the omega who was panting and resting his back on the tree behind him.

The blond-haired alpha approached and sat down next to him saying " Alex are you okay?"

The male omega looked at him with a pout on his lips saying " You were running and forgot about me!! I'm not as fast as you Ian "

Ian giggled and cupped his face kissing his pouty lips saying " I'm sorry baby, I was just so happy with our date, you know this is the first time we go out for this kind of date .... You know we can do some stuff alone "

Alex's pout disappeared and was replaced with pink blush on his cheeks as he pushed the alpha shyly away from him saying " Hey Ian stop embarrassing me !!! We can't do stuff like that before marriage "

Ian smirked and approached him wrapping his arms around the omega's waist whispering in his ears " I was not thinking about that you naughty omega, I was thinking of swimming in the river, but I liked the way you think"

Alex's cheeks blushed even more because of how embarrassed and shy he felt as he said " Ian stop embarrassing me !!!!"

The blond-haired alpha giggled and said, " But I didn't do anything Alex !!"

Ian cupped his boyfriend's face, and he approached him until they could feel each other's warm breath on their lips.

The omega raised his arms wrapping them around Ian's neck and he pulled the alpha closer to attach their lips.

Their lips were less than 1 centimetre away from each other, the blond alpha could not wait any longer he approached the omega in order to smash their lips together...

But suddenly, out of god knows where a huge black wolf who has bloody red eyes appeared and attacked the blond-haired alpha.

Alex widened his eyes in shock calling out his boyfriend's name who was now on the ground with a gigantic black wolf on top of him ." Ian!!!!"

Ian could not hear his boyfriend's call because he was too busy fighting back the wolf, but he ended up with scars and wounds all over his face, his lips were bleeding, his clothes were torn off by the other wolf's sharp claws and he also was panting because of how exhausted he was.

He lost ..... He gave up.

Well, that is because the massive wolf that was on top of him is not just a regular alpha ...

He was a true blood, that is why Ian had no chance of defeating a true blood alpha.

The wolf moved away from the blond-haired alpha who was still on the ground trying so hard to get his energy back and heal his wounds using his supernatural powers.

The true blood wolf suddenly shifted back to his human form.

He was a tall handsome man, his eyes were still bloody red, his skin was kinda pale, his hair was black and last but not least his body was buffed. He was wearing an oversized hoodie with grey sweatpants.

The stranger was looking silently at Alex with his bloody red eyes, while the omega was looking back at him with tears running down his cheeks, he also was so shocked because he did not expect this to happen this early.

After some minutes which felt like long hours, Ian's wounds finally healed and he got up from the ground looking at the true blood saying " What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you attack me ?"

The true blood remained silent looking at the omega who was still crying silently.

The blond-haired male lost all patience while waiting for the true blood to answer him because the stranger looked like he was not planning on speaking anytime soon.

He raised his gaze looking at Alex who was crying and he immediately approached him to wipe his tears away saying " Baby what's wrong? Please don't cry I'm fine look at me!!"

Ian's hands which were cupping the omega's face so that he can wipe his tears away were grabbed by a strong fist.

The blond alpha furrowed his eyebrows in confusion also in pain as he raised his gaze looking at the true blood alpha's bloody red eyes who said using his cold voice making the omega's body shiver.

"Take your filthy hands away from my mate, before I take your soul out of your body!"