The First Day At School

"When I miss you I won't start looking for you far away... I'm only going to look deep inside my heart where I always find you... Love is not always to stay beside the one we love... Love sometimes is just to keep the one we love inside our hearts."

Blade furrowed his eyebrows before waking up as he started looking at the ceiling with a silly smile on his lips because he had a beautiful dream with Ian again.

The true blood immediately stood up and ran to his diary to write what he feels.

"I love you. When are you going to realize how much I love you my hope? I'd give my world for you. I'd give you the oceans if you asked for them. I'd bring you the sun if you asked for it. 'I love you' I'll write it above the clouds. To the birds and the tree, I'll tell it. 'I love you' On the water I'll engrave it. I love you, Ian"

The true blood was interrupted by the entry of his older brother who said "Blade hurry up, you need to have your breakfast before going to school!" The younger male looked at his brother for some long minutes.

He stood up and went towards his brother hugging him saying " Are you okay Brandon?"

The older male's smile vanished as he looked blankly at the floor before raising his hands caressing his little brother's hair saying " Don't worry I'm completely fine Blade. I'm your strong brother. Remember?"

Blade just faked a small smile and nodded because he knows so well that even if his brother is in so much pain, he will never tell or show him that.

Yesterday was just an exception.

"Go change your clothes and let's go. I'm taking you to school today" That's what Brandon said before leaving his little brother's bedroom.

The true blood just sighed and went to get ready for school.

Brandon bit his lower lips when he felt the tears quickly running down his face as he ran towards his bedroom.

He can't lie to himself. He can pretend that he is fine in front of everybody exactly how he used to pretend for more than twenty years.

But not in front of himself and his own wolf. " Nodnarb I'm sorry, I know it's painful, but I can't show anybody. Crying in front of people is like bleeding in front of sharks Nodnarb. Remember our deal."

Nodnarb is Brandon's wolf's name.

Brandon has always been the forgotten kid in his family also in his pack.

While everybody's attention was caught by the first female true blood and The young true blood whom a great warlock talked about.

Nobody cared about the other true blood alpha that was in the middle.

Brandon is not sad or jealous of his siblings. Not at all, he loves them the most, but he just wished for some love from his fated mate.

The love that he did get from neither his parents nor his pack.

But I guess even his small wish was too much to come true.

He sighed and got up heading to the dining where he found everybody on the table having their breakfast. He smiled and took a seat beside Blade.

Just minutes later, Blade and Brandon got into the car heading to the younger male's high school.

"Brandon you know I'm your brother and you can tell me anything. I know that you are in pain. And please don't start telling me that it does not hurt and you are fine because you are strong. That's a big lie bro. In addition to all that, there is no wolf that can get over a rejection this fast. So please stop acting like everything is fine" That was Blade who was looking silently at the road while his older brother was driving when he suddenly decided to say what was going on inside his mind since this morning.

The older true blood parked his car in the school parking saying " Yes it hurts. And yes it's painful. But I have no other choice. I can't do anything Blade. And I also can't just keep crying for the rest of my life. I have to live with this pain and get used to it."

Before Blade could even say anything his Brother stopped him saying in his calm voice " Don't say anything Blade, just go to your school."

When the younger brother noticed that his brother needed some time alone he just took a deep breath and said " Okay. See you later Brandon."

He went down the car and left Brandon who tightened his fist trying as hard as he can to stop his tears from falling.

But when he almost succeeded in stopping his tears, out of god knows where the smell of his fated mate's scent spread all over the place.

He immediately raised his gaze looking at the source of the scent which was nobody other than Alex who was walking with some of his friends heading inside the school.

The tears that he was trying so hard to not let them fall, started running down his face.

Blade was walking inside the school's colliders while looking for his best friend Andrew who seems like he is either late or not coming to school. He headed to where the student's lockers are. He opened his locker and placed the books that won't need in the first period inside.

Suddenly, he froze in his place when he smelled the scent of the one and only person he has ever fallen in love with spreading all around the place.

He raised his hands clenching his shirt trying to balance his heartbeats and his breathing. Then he turned around and...

"How can I tell you about my heart's smile when I hear your giggles?"

"The same ocean eyes. The same eyes which before I met I thought I knew how to swim, but after seeing them I realized that I knew nothing but drowning in them ."

"I'm not asking God for anything but two things. To keep these two eyes safe and add two days in my life just to write poetry inside those beautiful pearls {eyes}"