I Finally See Him

The blonde male alpha Ian was inside his car driving to his school alone with only the tears on his cheeks.

His stepmother is always making his life a living hell. And he can't do anything about that. He can't tell his father. He can't defend himself, because if he does bad things will happen.

Nobody wants his little sister to get hurt. Especially him.

+++ Flash Back:++

Three Years Ago, when Ian reached sixteen years old and started to understand how his stepmother always pushes him away from his father.

He understood that there was something off.

The way his stepmother always punishes him by making him stay inside his bedroom whenever his father comes homes. The way she pulls his father every time he hugs him. The way she makes him work with the maid. The way she does not let him eat many things. The way she does not let him go out to play. The way every time his father gives him money or anything she takes it away from him.

Everything was wrong.

There he is the sixteen-year-old Ian who was playing with his baby sister in the living room and was interrupted by his stepmother who said " Get up Ian and go help the maids"

Ian at this moment was so mad as he yelled at her " I'm not helping any maid. My father hired them to do their job and not me. I don't know anything about chores, look at my hands!! I cut and burned myself every time I try to cook. The dishes that I wash, the maids always have to wash them again because I don't clean them well. All the food that I cook, you throw it away. Why are you making me do all these things for nothing?"

Ms Keene Victoria was so shocked because that was the first time in ten years Ian has ever dared to disobey her orders or even talk back at her.

Before she can even talk he stopped her saying " Listen to me Victoria, I'm not the stupid six-year-old boy who used to obey you like an obedient slave anymore. I'm telling my father how you have been treating me all these years. I will make sure that he will divorce and throw you out of his life."

Victoria looked at him with anger in her eyes, she was so obsessed with her husband, even though he was not her fated mate, but she loved him so much.

She always makes sure to keep Ian away from her husband just in order not to smell Ian's mother's scent on her husband.

Because Ian is Henry and his late fated mate's child, he has a mix of both their scents.

She also wanted to get rid of any trace of her husband's late mate.

And unfortunately for her, Ian was the only thing that was left of Henry's late mate that she could not get rid of no matter how much she tries, because Henry loved his child so much more than anything even himself and her.

Victoria looked at the blond alpha and approached him smiling like some psychopath as she grabbed his hair tightly between her fingers making him whimper in pain as she hissed saying " Dare to tell my mate anything and I will make your sister's life a living hell."

+++ Flash Back's End:+++

Yes, that was the only reason why Ian could not tell anything to his father because he knew that his stepmother is very able to even hurt her own daughter just to have Henry just for herself.

Bella who is his little sister means the world to him, he was beyond happy when he got to know that he will have a sister. He promised her that he will protect her from everything... Even from her own mother.

But everything has a price even keeping his baby sister safe had a price, which was staying away from his father, being deprived of a lot of different stuff, not having his complete freedom, and obeying all Victoria's orders.

That is the real life of Ian Keene which everybody thinks it's perfect.

He sighed and stopped his car in the parking lot of his school as he rested his head on the steering wheel of the car whispering to himself " Everything will be fine."

{ You know so well that nothing will be fine Ian. You need to tell your father.} That was Ian's wolf who is also known as Nai.}

" I can't do anything Nai. I don't want my sister to get hurt. Victoria is a psychopath I swear to god, she is sick." He talked to his wolf that replied to him inside his head saying { I don't know what to do Ian.}

The blond-haired alpha just smiled trying to forget the negativity saying " Don't worry Nai, I'm saving money to buy us an apartment. And we can stay away from her. I could have just asked my father for an apartment but I know she won't let him. So I didn't try. I need to thank god that she at least let me keep my car."

When he finished talking to his wolf, he got out of the car heading inside the school with his human friend.

Yes, the school that he studies in is a regular humans' school. Of course, there are some other werewolves in the school other than him but they all keep their supernatural powers a secret from humans.

" I heard you broke up with Alex?" That was one of his friends Mathew who made his day worst with his question because he was trying so hard these days to forget about his ex-boyfriend, but I guess fate does not want him to live in peace.

He just faked a smile while opening his locker and putting his books inside saying " I didn't break up with him. We broke up with each other because we felt like.... We are not made for each other"

Well, they did not just feel that they are not made for each other, they really are NOT.

"Wait what? Are you serious Ian? You and Alex were in love for many years!!" That was another one of his friends Lucas.

Ian faked a smile for the thousandth time this day saying as he was closing his locker " Well, this is life. Not everything goes the way we want it to go"

His friends just remained silent and each one of them headed to his class.

It was at this moment when Ian raised his gaze looking at the black-haired true blood who was standing in front of his locker with a book in his hands. And he was looking at him.

Blade's eyes were looking at Ian as if there was nobody in this world except the blond alpha.

His eyes were shining because they were trying to say what Blade could not say.

Love... Feelings... Emotions... warmth... safety... All these things and more that Blade's eyes were trying to tell Ian.

" Our eyes say what we hide in our hearts."