His Giggles And His Sobs

"I didn't love you because you are the most beautiful person on this earth even though you are . I loved you because you are the half of my soul, the half of my mind and you are my whole heart." That was one of the lines that Blade used in order to express his love for Ian in his diary.

Blade's heart was going to come out of his chest when he made long eye contact with the love of his life.

He gasped when out of nowhere Andrew jumped on him wrapping his legs around his waist saying excitedly " Blade!!! You really waited for me? I knew you are the best best friend I could ever have."

Well, Andrew was late for school and when he went to where the students' lockers are, he found his best friend standing, that is why he inferred that Blade was waiting for him.

Who is going to tell him?

The true blood gulped and looked at Andrew whispering " Andrew get the hell off of me." The alpha frowned saying " You can't even carry your best friend? I'm disappointed!!"

Apparently, Andrew did not notice that Ian was standing there.

The blond alpha smiled as he started giggling looking at the way Andrew was hugging the true blood.

Ah! Just how much he wanted to thank them for making something happy in his day, but he just took his books and headed to his class, because he does not know them.

On the other hand, Andrew looked at the source of the giggles and immediately got off his best friend and fell to the ground.

He stood up and looked at his best friend saying" Sorry dude I did not see your crus..."

He did not finish his sentence when he noticed that Blade was zoning out and was still looking at the place where Ian was standing.

" I'm ready to make his giggles the only sound I can hear for the rest of my life" That's what Blade whispered while zoning out looking at where Ian was standing.

Andrew looked at the true blood with a 'What the hell' look saying " Dude I'm pretty sure that oceans can run out but the words that you use to express your love for Ian won't."

Blade laughed sarcastically " Even if these oceans run out and you refill them again, they still won't be enough. But the difference is that Ian can see these oceans any time he wants, but he can't and will never see or discern how I feel towards him. Now end this discussion and let's get to class."

Andrew just shrugged and followed Blade who stopped walking when he reached his classroom's door and before entering he turned around facing his best saying with a smirk on his face " Also, I was not waiting for you, I just was busy looking at the love of my life, you idiot."

Then he immediately went inside his classroom leaving Andrew who laughed at himself for how stupid he was. Of course, the Blade he knows will never skip a class just to wait for him. Also, they are not even in the same class.

He just shook his head helplessly because his best friend was so in love and cheesy, then he went to his class too.

They all spent four hours in different classes and they also did not see each other. For Blade, this was really devastating, but for Ian, it was just like any normal day.

Blade now is sitting at the table in the school's cafeteria having lunch alone before being interrupted by a smack on his head.

He rolled his eyes and looked at Andrew who said while sitting next to him with his lunch in his hand " That was for skipping your classes for your stupid Ian and not for your best friend."

Well, if anyone was in Blade's position they would have been mad because someone called their love stupid or mad for getting smacked.

But our Blade here just smiled and started giggling like an idiot because he only focused on 'your' and 'Ian'.

'Your Ian' was enough to make an army of butterflies start moving in his tummy and make his heart skip a beat.

Andrew looked at his best friend shockingly as he asked " Blade have you lost your mind? Why are laughing all by yourself? I thought you will kill me for calling your crush stupid"

The younger male stopped laughing and whispered to himself " My Ian!!" And then he started giggling again.

The other male just laughed in disbelief looking at his best friend who was laughing as if he has just conquered the world.

They both started eating and talking about different stuff but...

"No, Alexander we can't do this anymore. I love you, yes, but I can't do this. Don't you get it? You found your fated mate and he is a true blood. He's better than me. I can't separate two fated mates. The moon goddess will never forgive us." That was Ian's voice who sat on the table behind Blade's and Andrew's table.

The blond alpha sat with his friend when suddenly Alex came to him and start talking to each other.

"Alexander? You are calling me by my first name now Ian? Why don't you just understand That I love you and I don't want anyone who is better or worse than you? I just want you. I'm so disappointed in you because I've never thought that you would give up on me this easily." Said Alex as he was holding Ian's hand with both of his hands.

Ian sighed and pulled his hands away from Alex's saying " It's not about who you want or don't want. It's about who was destined to be with you. Goodbye Alexander." Then he stood up and left the cafeteria.

Alex raised his hands covering his face and started crying silently before running away from the cafeteria.

"I bet you are happy that Ian broke up with this omega!!" Said Andrew as he was so certain that anyone would be so happy if their crush breaks up with the one whom they used to date.

Blade looked at the exit which Ian used, to leave the cafeteria saying " No, I am not actually. I have never wanted something bad to happen to Ian or to his boyfriend. I surely was not just jealous of this omega. I envied him so badly, I even wished I were him, I wished I were born as an omega.

But I am for sure not happy seeing Ian breaking up with him...

I'm not happy seeing tears in the love of my life's eyes...

I'm not happy hearing him right now sobbing alone on the roof while I can't even comfort him...

I am not happy at all Andrew."