Brandon's Life

"They all ask me, why do I love you even though I know that you will never be mine, Ian... Why do they breathe even though they know that they will die? This is my answer to their question."

The true blood has just woken up and the first thing he did was, writing how he feels for Ian in his diary.

He smiled and went to get ready for school.

He did not take too much time getting ready for school. Here he is heading to the dining room as he took a seat next to Brandon.

"Em! Brandon?" Edgard suddenly decided to talk as he interrupted the silence around his children and his wife.

Brandon immediately raised his gaze looking at his father saying " Yes father!"

The head alpha smiled and said " So I was thinking, yesterday the head alpha of the Moon-child Pack visited us.

And he has a beautiful daughter and she is an alpha. So what I wanted to tell you is... What do think of mating her? Since it had been many years and you still haven't found your fated mate yet and her mate died. Also, in order to have a new true blood generation in our family."

The spoon that was in Blade's hand fell on the plate because of how shocked he was, hearing what his father said.

While Brandon just looked at the floor blankly saying in his calm voice " Whatever you want father"

" Oh my god, I will finally have grandchildren since Sandra and Nancy can't have one. Also, Blade looks like he won't look at someone else but Henry's son." Said Carla, their mother happily and continued eating.

Brandon just faked a smile and looked at his plate without eating.

Sandra widened her eyes in disbelief at what her mother had just said and then she looked at her mate who lowered her head looking at the floor and there were tears in her eyes.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard from where Blade was sitting.

The younger male hit the table and stood up as he laughed sarcastically looking at his parents with anger in his eyes saying in his calm voice which sounds terrifying " Look I'm not going to talk about how you offended my sister and her mate by their disability of having kids together. And also I won't talk about myself and Ian.

But, the way you just want to make Brandon mate a girl that he has never seen! Is too much to ignore mother.

How do you know that he has not found his mate yet father? How would you know when you don't even give him two minutes to talk or say his opinion? Why is nobody in this house cares for him, mother?

You can't control whom he wants to spend his life with. He is the only person who has the right to do this. And let me tell you something. He already found his fated mate.

And guess what? He is an omega, which means that your stupid true bloodline will not spread further than that. Goodbye."

When he finished saying... Sorry I mean yelling at his parents, he took his brother's hand and went out of this house with him.

They all were shocked for many reasons.

The first of them is that Brandon found his fated mate.

The second of them is that Blade was right.

Last but not least is that this was the first time Blade speaks this loud and yell at his parents.

" You should not have yelled at our parents Blade." Brandon who was driving the car heading to his younger brother's school finally decided to talk and stop the silence that was between them in the car.

The younger true blood laughed sarcastically as looked at his brother saying" And why not? Brandon, you can't just stay silent while they decide how you live your life. It's your life, yours.

You are the only one who has the right to decide how and with whom you will spend it. Not them or anybody else.

I have noticed the difference between the way they treat me and Sandra and the way they treat you.

On the dining table, they ask me or my sister and talk to us about stuff, but they don't even ask you if you are okay or not. I see how everybody's attention is only on me and on Sandra. "

Brandon parked the car and smiled because he was happy that his younger brother turns out to really care about him.

He looked at his brother and hugged him tightly.

All the anger that Blade was feeling immediately evaporated as he grinned and embraced his brother back.

"Thank you Blade, I have never thought that you really care about my problems. And knowing that you care about me makes me happy.

Thank you, brother. Also, you are right I won't let anybody decide what I am going to do in my life. As you said it's my life. Thank you for your support." Said Brandon and there was a big smile on his face.

Blade smiled back at his brother saying in his warm voice " Brandon, I love you so much. I'm sorry I don't take care of you... I think you know why. My love for Ian takes all my time and attention. I told you many times that I will always be here for you. You can tell me anything and if you have any problem. Share it with me, please. We are brothers, not strangers or enemies."

The older brother was too delighted, he completely forgot about his fated mate's rejection and forgot all the problems in his life.

He only focused on the fact that there is actually someone who supports him and cares for him.

"Thank you, Blade. You have no idea how grateful I am to you. And everything you said means a lot to me. Thank you, brother."


" You know baby? The best thing about my love for you is that my love does not have a brain or logic, because it walks on the water without drowning." One of the lines that Blade wrote in his diary for Ian.