The First Time Talking

"You won't take your car. Just walk to school." Said Ian's stepmother who was standing in front of the blond alpha who was looking at her silently in the living room.

"Why? Just why are you doing this? Why are you sick? If I walk or drive to school, will not make father love you mo..." Ian could not even finish what he wanted to say when Victoria slapped his face as hard as she can.

He just tightened his fist looking at the floor with tears in his eyes as she said " You won't take your car and that's final. Leave!!!" The alpha carried his backpack and went out of the house heading to school.

Tears started running down his cheeks while he was silently walking to school.

In case you are wondering his father, Henry is not in the house, because he went to his company's branch that was located here.

He howled in anger and shifted to his wolf form and started running in the woods.

After some minutes of running, he finally reached the forest that was facing his school. He made sure that there was no human looking at him before shifting back to his human form.

He sighed and headed inside the school.

Somewhere else inside the same school, there was this black-haired true blood who was sitting in the library after finishing all his classes with his diary on the table and writing in it.

"You tell me, Ian... What should I do and your details are engraved in my memory? How am I supposed to forget you and move on with my heart trapped in your land?"

"I am just a colonized land that fell in love with its colonist refusing its freedom."

Blade smiled looking at Ian's photograph that he keeps inside his diary, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by the librarian who said " Blade school is over. You need to go home."

The true blood looked at the clock in shock, because he did not feel how he spent three hours in the library.

Why did it feel like it was ten minutes?

I guess time passes twenty times faster when you contemplate the love of your life.

He smiled and got up putting his stuff inside his backpack saying to the librarian " Thank you" and then he went out of the library walking in the school's empty corridors.

The school was completely empty because it was over an hour ago.

He was about to open his umbrella and run towards his car because it was raining heavily, but he stood there frozen for some seconds.


Well, because he noticed a blond alpha at the exit of the school, and he was sitting on the stairs hugging his legs towards his chest and he was burying his head in between his knees.

The black-haired true blood put his umbrella back inside his bag and hesitantly started walking towards Ian.

He wanted to leave the school so badly, but his heart did let him. He could hear Ian crying silently alone.

He could not leave him this time.

The true blood took a deep breath and sat down next to the other male on the stairs. And it seems that Ian finally caught his scent because he stopped crying and started quickly wiping his tears away.

"It's nice of you keeping the sky company and not letting it cry alone." Blade whispered while looking silently at the cloudy sky.

His words made Ian furrow his eyebrows and immediately raise his gaze looking at him. When the true blood felt that the other male was looking at him, he changed the direction of his gaze and looked back at him.

Seeing tears in Ian's eyes made Blade's heart squeeze in pain. He finally realized that there is something worst than not having Ian by his side.

They held eye contact for long seconds before Ian decided to talk saying " What do you mean?" The younger male just smiled saying " Nothing, I'm Blade Eastwood. I just saw you crying alone and could not leave you behind."

Ian smiled and wiped the rest of his tears saying " Thank you Blade. I'm Ian Keene."

Blade really wanted to burst out in laughter at himself because he knows that he has said and written Ian's name more than his own name. He can forget his own name and anybody's name but not Ian's... No matter what will happen.

"So! Why were you crying?" Finally, the true blood gathered some courage to start a conversation with Ian who just faked a smile saying " N-nothing really. I was just feeling low."

Blade remained silent as he was looking deeply inside Ian's eyes. The alpha felt like the younger male was looking into his soul which made him nervous.

"It's really hard to pretend that you are happy in times you just need to burst out crying." What Blade said made Ian even more nervous that's why he moved his gaze away from Blade's eyes and looked at the drops of rain that were hitting the ground creating small puddles.

"Why are you saying that to me Blade?" Said Ian and he was still avoiding eye contact with Blade who just smiled and said " Nothing. There is no reason. I have just read this somewhere and I wanted you to know about it."

Ian just hummed and said " Aren't you the Edgard Eastwood's son?'' The younger male smiled saying "Yes, I am."

"Oh, so we have met before right?" Ian's question made the heart of the true blood skip a beat. He felt like flying with clouds because of how happy he was.

"Yes, twelve years ago. My father went to visit your father at the Dark Moon pack and I was with him."

The fact that Blade had been in love with Ian for twelve years is unbelievable and seems impossible.

But I guess nothing is impossible in the Eastwood family.


"We all know that loving someone who does not love you back is hard. But it's so much tougher when we keep loving this person even though, they don't even know that we do." One of the lines that Blade wrote in his diary for Ian.