
"The things that come from one side are always painful, such as. Waiting while the other is sleeping. Worrying while the other is laughing. Writing while the other is not reading. Loving .... but the other is loving someone else." Said the black-haired male while looking at the sky

Ian smiled because he was so amazed at the way Blade talks " You really are into some kind of poetry or something."

Blade was satisfied because he finally could tell... I mean give a hint to Ian about his feelings.

Even though the older male did not really understand the meaning behind what he said, but he was proud of himself for saying this in front of Ian.

"So what are you still doing here?" Said Blade as he was trying to hide his fast heartbeats with this question.

Ian's smile vanished saying "Nothing. It's raining outside and I did not bring my umbrella with me because I did not think that it would rain. Also, I don't want to get soaked in the rain. That is why I'm waiting for the sky to have some mercy on me and stop raining just for ten seconds so that I can get a cab or something."

Blade hummed to him even though he felt like there was something more in the story but he just let it slide as he suggested " How about I give you a ride to your house?"

Ian remained silent for some seconds before saying "No, there is no need for that. I will just wait. I don't want to be a burden also you can't get in our pack's territory borders. You know the rules."

Blade sighed thinking of something else because he really can't cross their borders without permission. It's their territory.

"How about I give you a ride to your pack's borders than you can take my umbrella and get to your house. I know your house is not far from the borders of your pack's territory"

Before Ian could not even talk because Blade stopped him saying " Also you are not a burden. Let's go."

The alpha smiled happily and followed the true blood who took his umbrella out and opened it covering the both of them from the rain as they quickly walked to Blade's car and get in the back seats.

" Hi, Caleb. I want you to take us To the Dark Moon pack's borders." That was Blade who told the driver where to go. The beta had no other option but to nod to his master and start driving to where he said.

"Thank you, Blade. I have no idea what I would have done without you." Ian whispered while he was looking at his fingers.

The younger male's eyes started to shine in bloody red when he got to smell Ian's scent because he was so close to him.

He immediately hid his face behind his palms trying to control himself.

The scent of Ian was so alluring to him, and that's strange.

Because this is only supposed to happen with fated mates. Also, he was not eighteen yet to feel like that.

His movements attracted Ian's attention who raised one of his hands and placed it on the other male shoulder saying "Blade? Are you okay? Look at me please!"

The younger male hesitantly started to take his hands away from his face and turned around looking with his bloody red eyes at Ian's beautiful pearls {eyes} as he calls them.

Blade's wolf eyes were terrifying.

Their pupils were wide and black with dark black small veins that were spread to the Iris of the eyes. Even the Sclera of the eye was white with black blood vessels in it.

"Oh my god, your eyes are so beautiful. This is my first time seeing a true blood's eyes this close." Ian was so stunned looking at Blade's bloody red eyes.

Blade smiled and blinked as he got back his self-control and his eyes went back to their normal human color and shape saying "Thank you, Ian. I thought you are going to get terrified, to be honest, that's why I tried to hide them."

The driver finally parked the car in front of the Dark Moon pack, Blade gave his umbrella to the other male saying "Be careful on the way home."

The alpha smiled and took the umbrella from his hands as he said " Thank you Blade, you really made my day. See you tomorrow."

Then he went down of the car and crossed his pack's territory's borders by a secret passage.

Blade smiled like an idiot and raised his hands feeling his fast heartbeats saying "Take me to the pack Caleb." The driver started driving again heading to their pack.

While Blade took out his diary from his bag and held his pen as he started writing.

"He said my eyes are beautiful... Probably because they can't see anything but him."

When the driver parked the car in front of the pack house, Blade immediately got out of the car and ran to his bedroom.

He is beyond happy today.

He sat down at his desk with his diary.

" When I got the chance today to breathe the same air that you breathe and got the chance to look closely into your eyes. I loved the day that I was born in and regretted all the days That lived far away from you."