The First Hug

Ian thanked god for the thousandth time today because Victoria let him take his car.

He parked the car in front of the school after some minutes of driving. Then he got down and went inside.

When he finished the classes of the first period, he carried his stuff heading to the cafeteria with his human friends.

They all sat down and started eating.

"It's getting cold guys." One of his three friends said to them as he replied to him " Wait I will go get my coat from my car." Then the alpha got up heading to the parking lot where he parked his car.

Suddenly, before he could even open any door of the car he was interrupted by someone's back hug.

Well, he already recognized them from their scent.

And it was nobody except Alex who cried saying "Ian please just let's go together. It's really painful being away from you."

The alpha just sighed and took Alex's hand and went to one of the school's empty classrooms.

He stood there facing Alex who was crying as he said in his calm voice" Alex please just try to understand my point. You have your mate now. We can't be together anymore."

Alexander just started sobbing even more saying " No please I don't want him or anyone other than you."

Ian sighed and backed off when the omega tried to get close to him as he said "No, no Alex. We can't do this. Please just sto..." He could not finish his sentence when the omega wrapped his arms around his neck and smashed their lips together.

The blond alpha's hands were in the air and step by step they started to get wrapped around the omega's waist as he started kissing him back.

He raised his hands and cupped Alex's face so that he can kiss him better.

The kiss lasted for some long seconds before Ian can realize what was happening. He immediately pulled away from the kiss and pushed Alex a little bit away from him and wanted to run outside.

But when he found Brandon standing at the door looking at them. His eyes made Ian feel so much guilt. That is why he ran to the school roof.

Brandon looked at his fated mate who was now crying alone on the floor.

Blade just sighed as he said, "Go talk to him or something and I will go see Ian." Then he went to the roof.

Brandon slowly came closer to Alex, and he kneeled down next to him.

"Alex, I'm sorry" That's all he could say before he approached him and wrapped his strong arms around the omega hiding him in his arms.

The omega started sobbing more on Brandon's chest while the older male was caressing his hair and whispering sweet words to him.

Just moments later, the omega pushed the true blood away from him and stood up there wiping tears saying angrily "Why don't you just understand what I want. I don't want to see your face again. Is it that hard for you to not show up in my life or what?"

Yes, it was painful but Brandon had no thought of giving up that is why he got up and stood up in front of the omega as he gently held his hand saying "Please Alex, just give me a chance. I... I'm a true blood I can protect and keep you safe and I will love you. So much."

Before the omega could even open his mouth to speak, the true blood came closer as he cupped his face with his hands and approached him until they could feel each other's breath on their lips whispering as he gently caressed his cheeks " I'm gonna love you more than anything Alex. We are made for each other please Alex."

The omega just remained silent looking at the true blood's lips that were approaching to kiss him.

But he raised his hands and placed them on his chest saying "No." Then he pulled away and left the school.

He left a broken heart behind him for the second time.

While on the roof, Blade sat next to Ian who was sitting on the ground with his back rested on the wall behind him.

"Did you know that dolphins can't actually breathe under water and they need to go to the surface every now and then?" That's what Blade said just to attract attention.

And his little plan succeded because here he is Ian looking at him in disbelief whispering "Really?"

The younger male smiled saying" Yes, dolphins and even whales are mammals and breathe air into their lungs, just like we do. They cannot breathe underwater like fish can because they do not have gills." Ian looked so stunned by this new information.

Blade decided to ask when he finally noticed that Ian is ready " So what's wrong with the omega?"

Ian just sighed and started telling him his story with Alex from A to Z.

Some details were really painful for Blade.

Seeing the one he loves saying that he loves someone else made him want to die, but he just decided to hide how heartbroken he felt by a wide smile on his face.

"You did a good job, I'm proud of you. You are not a bad person as you said, you are the complete opposite. You sacrificed your happiness just so that you won't separate two fated mates. You are a good person Ian."

Ian looked at him silently before out of nowhere he came closer and hugged him tightly whispering "Thank you."

The blond alpha without realizing it, closed his eyes comfortably burying his face in the younger male's shoulder.

On the other hand, Blade was frozen, his eyes were wide because of the shock, his heart was racing, his mind could not grasp what has just happened, there were not only butterflies but elephants were moving in his tummy.

He just could not believe that the boy he loves for twelve years is in his arms right now.

"Can we just stay in each other's arms to our last breath?" What Blade thought before hugging the alpha back as he buried his face in his hair and he secretly inhaled his scent.