Sleeping On The Shoulder

"There is nothing tougher in this life more than loving someone whom I don't have the right to love."

The true blood was still on the school roof sitting on the ground resting his back on the wall and he was also writing in his diary.

"You are so close to me, but at the same time far away from me."

Blade raised his gaze looking at the blond alpha who was sitting next to him with his head resting on the younger male's shoulder and he was sleeping.

What happened is that when Ian hugged the true blood, they sat there and talked a lot then suddenly the blond male fell asleep on Blade's shoulder.

Blade was living his dream life with the sleepy Ian on his shoulder, he felt like flying with the clouds because of how delighted he was.

He could not keep his happiness inside him which is why he took out his diary and started writing.

The true blood raised his hand hesitantly started caressing the sleepy alpha's hair whispering softly " I don't want anything in this life but to be a beautiful thing that draws a smile on your lips every time you think of me."

There are a lot of people who take advantage of other people when they are not conscious.

And Blade was one of these people because he took advantage of Ian's sleep to tell him all the poetry he wrote for him. He even started crying telling him how much it hurts when he sees him close to other people and how weak and useless he feels when he can't do anything about it.

" My wish will always be to wake up and find your hand in mine." That was the last thing Blade whispered before he raised his hands and wiped his tears away.

That was because as a true blood he can feel the difference between the breathing of the person who is actually sleeping and the breathing of the person who is waking up or already awake.

The older male furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance before opening his eyes looking at his surroundings in confusion.

"We're still on the roof? How long have I been sleeping?" He asked Blade when he finally remembered what happened before he fell asleep.

Blade started looking everywhere avoiding eye contact with Ian because he did not want to be asked why he was crying "Maybe for thirty minutes."

The alpha hummed and looked at him smiling as he said "Thank you for staying with me all this time. I'm happy because I have a friend like you. Also, I'm so sorry for your shoulder. Does it hurt?"

He was talking with a big smile on his face but his smile disappeared when he remembered that he slept for thirty minutes on the younger male's shoulder. He got worried and scared because he surely did not want to hurt someone like Blade.

Blade bit his lip trying to control his urge of crying because he did not want to be Ian's friend, he wanted to be more.

But then he reminded himself of the fact that being his friend is much better than being a stranger.

At least he gets the chance to talk to him, hear his voice, look closely into his eyes, comfort him if he cries, and be with him when he needs a shoulder to cry or sleep on.

Blade is not a greedy person and all these things were more than enough for him, that is why he smiled widely saying " First of all, no need to thank me as you said we are friends and friends do not thank each other.

Second of all, I'm happy to have someone like you as my friend too.

And last but not least, you don't have to apologize.

You did not hurt me and... I'm not bragging or anything but I'm a true blood and I don't get hurt easily so that means you can sleep on my shoulder as long as you want."

The blonde alpha looked at him for a while before he started to giggle making Blade zone out looking at him and listening to his giggles which made his heart skip not just one beat but skip numerous beats as he whispered to his wolf inside his head " Did I say before that I'm ready to make his giggles the only sound that I can hear for the rest of my life?"

His wolf who is also known as Edalb shook his head helplessly with a stupid smile on his face as he answered his human {Yes, you did. Not just once.}

Blade just kept smiling and looking at Ian who was still giggling as he said to his wolf "I will say it over and over again without getting tired Edalb. I'm ready to make his giggles the only sound that I can hear for the rest of my life."

Ian finally stopped laughing and said "Oh my god, I'm sorry for laughing. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just too happy for god knows why."

It's true Ian was really happy even though he did not know the reason exactly but deep down there he knew it was because of Blade.

When he broke up with Alex he thought that he will never find a shoulder to cry or sleep on, and will never find someone who is going to comfort him when he feels low.

But it turns out to be all wrong, here he found someone like Blade who understands him without even talking.

About Blade and his wolf, there is something really special in them that nobody knows.

When Blade tells people around about his love for Ian, they think that Blade is the only one who loves Ian and his wolf does not, which is all wrong, because Edalb loves Ian as much as Blade does.

Which does not make any sense because two male alpha do not mate and most of them only want to fight each other to prove who is stronger than the other.

So why would a true blood love an alpha instead of making him submit to prove that he is the strongest and spread his dominance even more?

I guess we will just have to wait to see what the future has for Blade and Ian.