Alexander And Alender

"Oh, Ian Hi?" Said Alen to the blond alpha who was standing next to the true blood resting their backs on the tree behind them.

Ian just smiled and said Hi back. The omega hummed saying "I heard you and Alex broke up! He did not want to tell me why. I just can't believe that you guys broke up. You should have seen them before, they would cry if they don't see each other even for a day."

Blade was silently looking at the grass under his shoes all this time listening to how Ian used to love Alex.

It was really painful hearing that someone was having everything he dreamt of having for more than twelve years.

He wanted Ian to miss him, he wanted to see Ian every day, he also wanted to cry when he does not see Ian even for one day.

The best proper way to describe Blade's pain is when you draw your dreams to a blind person and when you describe your feelings to a deaf person and when you write your sorrows to someone who does not know how to read.

This is exactly how Blade feels, he has dreams for him and Ian but Ian is too blind to see them. His heart shows how much he loves Ian but Ian is too deaf to hear his heartbeats. He writes his sorrows in his diary but Ian can't read them.

His thoughts were interrupted by the blond alpha who said "About that, Alex found his fated mate. We can't be together anymore."

The omega widened his eyes in disbelief saying " Why didn't Alex tell me about this serious matter?" Ian just shrugged his shoulders and said "Probably because he rejected him."

Alen was so shocked because rejecting a fated mate is really hard and painful, the problem is the pain will stay with the rejected wolf forever. "Who? Why would he reject his fated mate? Is he that bad?"

Before anybody can say anything, Blade laughed sarcastically as he finally raised his gaze from the ground to the omega and said "No, his fated mate is not bad at all. It was my brother Brandon. Your brother rejected my brother because he was too in love with Ian. Brandon even knelled down to the ground and begged him not to reject him but he did. Alex rejected my brother without hesitation. And not once but twice, he rejected him twice. "

You may be wondering how Blade knew that Alex rejected Brandon again.

That is because Blade is a true blood and has the ability to hear even from far away.

Alen frowned saying "I'm sorry." He apologized because he did not know what else he could do. Also, he did not know that his brother can be this heartless. Blade just looked at the omega coldly and changed the direction of his gaze.

"It's okay Alex. You don't have to apologize you haven't done anything " That was Andrew who was holding the omega's hand gently caressing it.

Alen's phone suddenly started to ring, he immediately pick the call up "Alen where are you? Please hurry up."

That was his brother Alex and he was crying on the phone, Alen furrowed his eyebrows as he said "What happened? Why are you crying ?"

Alex started to cry even more saying "I--I don't know what's wrong with me. Alen, I found my fated mate almost a week ago and Ian broke up with me because of that. And I rejected my fated mate. It really hurts. I don't know what to do I love Ian but rejecting my mate hurts a lot. Just tell me where are you now?"

Alen massaged the area between his eyes saying "I'm in the woods in front of your school." The other omega gasped saying "What are you doing in the woods alone? What if something bad happens to you? what if some alpha..."

He could not finish what he wanted to say because Alen interrupted him saying calmly " Alex just calm down. I'm coming to you. Also if an alpha dared to even think of hurting I will easily chop his head. See you."

Then he hung up the call saying to others " I have to go to him."

"Wait I will go with you." And that's how both Andrew and Alen left Ian and Blade alone in the woods.

They stayed silent for some time before Ian decides to talk "What do you think of going for a run?"

And here is another dream of Blade is coming true. He always wanted to go out with Ian and go to the woods and shift and run with each other.

But all his hopes disappeared as he said "I can't shift yet."

The blond alpha just smiled and cupped Blade's face saying "I know and that is why you will get on my back. It will feel the same."

A wide smile appeared on Blade's face after hearing what Ian said.

The blond alpha immediately shifted to his wolf form and approached Blade asking him to get on his back.

Blade smiled looking at how beautiful Ian's wolf is before getting on his back and starting running deep inside the woods.

After some long minutes of running, Ian's wolf stopped in front of a beautiful lake.

Blade got off Ian wolf's back and went near a tree and sat next to it then he looked at the wolf and said "Come and sit next to me Nai."

Ian's wolf who is also known as Nai immediately walked towards him and sat next... He sat on top of his lap!!!

The true blood widened his eyes looking at the wolf who was adjusting his position and then he closed his eyes and .... fell asleep on Blade's chest.

Blade looked at the wolf and laughed before raising one of his hands and started caressing brown soft fur whispering "I will keep you as my most beautiful secret I hide and as the most gift that I'm scared to lose "

  1. When he said it will feel the same. He meant if Blade was able to shift will feel the same as if he just goes with him in his human form.