The School Trip

"Ian, everybody is asking me when I'm going to stop loving you, but baby how am I supposed to tell them that I don't know when I'm going to die?"

Blade woke up late today, and he did not get the chance to write something for Ian in his diary at home that is why he brought his diary with him, and here he is right now writing in it inside his car.

The driver is the one who is taking him to school today not his brother. Also, today they won't study because they are going on a trip.

He was really excited but not because of the trip, it's because he will be able to spend a lot of time with Ian.

When the driver parked the car in the school parking lot Blade got out of the car and went where the teachers were standing next to each other.

There were four buses and some students who looked excited about the trip.

He went to one of the teachers to inform them about his arrival also to sign some papers. Then got in one of the buses and sat on the seat that was before the last one as he took out his diary and started writing.

He wanted to use the fact that the bus is not full yet.

"Ian you will always have a part of my life, part of breaths, part of my dreams, and part of my days even part of my heart. Deep down in my heart, there will always be heartbeats for your name."

"When will fate allow me to hug you and stay with you for my whole day? When will it allow me to live my life with you, Ian?"

The true blood was planning to write more but all his thought were interrupted by the one and only person why he was writing.

"I told you Alex please understand what I'm trying to say. We can't stay together. We aren't made for each other. Don't get me wrong I loved you but this is what fate wants. Fate does not want us to be together."

That was Ian who was standing in front of the bus' door, the same one that Blade was in and he was talking to Alex who looked like he was about to cry "But Ian, we promised each other."

The alpha sighed and approached the omega and hugged him then he pulled away from the hug and grabbed his shoulders gently saying "I know we did, the promise we made was not reasonable. I guess they were really right, promises are only made to be broken.

We were not thinking straight when we made this promise. We completely forgot about ourselves.

We are not humans to choose whom we want to be with. Our destined are already chosen.

I'm not saying this because I did not love you, I swear I did and so much, but if we stay together we're going to hurt a lot of people."

Alex's tears started running down his cheeks which made the alpha raise his hands cupping his face so that he can wipe his tears away saying "I know you are in pain. I know that you want to stay with me and not your mate.

But I know you are hurting him and yourself and your wolf. I heard what you said to your brother yesterday on the phone, you said you were in pain that's because you are far away from your mate.

Just give him a chance and you will see that you are going to love him even more than how you used to love me."

When Ian finished what he said, he leaned down and left a small kiss on the omega's cheek saying "Just try with him and when you forget about me we can become friends again."

Then he got on the bus and sat on a random seat as he covered his face trying not to show that he was crying too.

While Alex raised his hands and wiped his tears away and went to another bus.

The omega was not ashamed of showing that he was crying because he does not care if anyone sees him crying.

He did not know that with every tear that falls down from his eyes, tens of tears fall from the pair of eyes that were watching him from the woods.

On the bus Blade was looking at Ian silently alone, he could hear him crying because he's a werewolf that's why the others did not really pay attention to him.

He got up and went to sit next to him. He did not say anything just stayed silent hearing him crying.

Even though Ian knew that Blade was next to him he did not stop crying.

"You can cry when you can't hide the pain inside anymore." Said Blade suddenly attracting the alpha's attention who stopped crying and took his hand away from his face looking at the true blood next to him.

Blade raised his gaze looking at the most painful thing for him which was the tears in Ian's eyes.

He just smiled and cupped the older male's face wiping the tears that were on his cheeks whispering "But don't cry alone. I will always be here for you. Whenever you feel like you want to cry just come to me. I will be there to listen to you and comfort you and even try to solve your problems."

The alpha smiled widely and hugged the younger male immediately whispering "Thank you. Thank you so much Blade. You have no idea how much that means to me. You are the best friend I have ever had."

The true blood's eyes started to get filled with tears that's why he closed them so that they don't fall down from his eyes.

And then he raised his strong arms and wrapped them around the alpha's waist saying "Don't thank me.... This is what friends do."

"There is nothing more painful than when my words get stuck in between my mouth and throat. If I say them, I will regret and if I keep them, I will suffer." That's what Blade said to himself while hugging the alpha back.