Clay And The Golden Blood Pack

+++Flash Back:+++

Earlier when Blade took Ian to his house but they were stopped at the front door of the borders.

"But Mr Ian we can not let all of them in. You know the rules." One of the guards said making Ian bite his lower lip trying to figure out what to do.

Sandra rolled her eyes and asked Brandon and Andrew to leave "You two go home. Blade and I will stay and will go back together later."

But none of them wanted to leave as they said "I'm not leaving my brother make Andrew leave" "I'm not leaving Blade, make Brandon leave."

They both looked at each other angrily as Andrew yelled "He is my best friend. I'm not leaving him." Brandon yelled back at him saying "And he is my little brother. I'm not leaving him either."

Sandra cracked her neck and before she could even step towards them, they both shifted to their wolf forms and started running to their pack because none of them wanted to get beat up by Sandra.