Chapter 19: Enough corpses to fill a city

Ten years ago when they were still in the academy, Mabui, Samui and Hachiro were in the same class.

Mabui back then had a crush on Hachiro while he never noticed as he was more interested in Samui.

After he and Samui started dating, she tried to withdraw silently.

She didn't want to get in the way of their relationship, gradually she disappeared from their lives all together.

After hearing about the bet, she had some guesses about what had happened but she wanted confirmation if it was as she thought.

In Kumogakure, most clan's thought it to be beneath them, and she knew the advisors well enough to know they had a moral code.

The muscle brained gorilla, the fourth Raikage would never think of something like this on his own.

So, if Mabui had rejected then this gamble wouldn't have been established in the first place.

"Ehm, that..."

Mabui was speechless, not knowing how to answer such a straightforward question.

To be honest, although the Raikage's proposal annoyed her, a small part of her was happy about it.

"It's been 8 years since we graduated from the academy, with how pretty you are, what do you find so attractive about that bastard."

She glanced sideways at Mabui and compared their assets, as she poured herself some more sake.

Mabui had coffee black skin, a thin waist and well developed body.

With a near perfect appearance like that she should have plenty of admirers.

"Hmph, so what did he say about it?"

Mabui smiled slightly,

"Nevermind, I already know he's probably off celebrating somewhere."

Mabui felt her lips twitching, seeing Samui have a conversation with herself.

So far, Hachiro had put forward a lot of plans and ideas that could be considered otherworldly.

The idea to sow tension among the leaf, three years ago was just one of many.

In the eyes of others, it was as if he had hundreds of heads working together to generate knowledge that belonged to the future.

The two women sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before reminiscing about the old days.

The Land of Water,

Hachiro was strolling along the official road that lead to Kirigakure with a straw hat on his head.

He was frowning as from the moment he stepped onto the path he could smell blood and see corpses laying about.

The corpses didn't consist of just those from clan's but those who had rebelled against the rule of the tyrannical Mizukage.

He sighed and thought,

Obito, sure was working hard to gain undisputed control over the bloody mist.

"He's... Crazy."

Further along the road, he saw several more shinobi dressed in the mists shinobi uniform.

Obito had without a doubt gone so far down his path of insanity, he could never turn back and become a 'good' man again.

He could only lament and guess what these innocent people felt.

He would never be able to find out now that they were already six feet under.

Now, that I think about it, Naruto forgave him in the anime.

He has probably killed tens of thousands of people and effected the lives of millions for the worse.

Considering Naruto was always preaching about peace, it seems slightly hypocritical in hindsight...

Suddenly, he stopped and carefully observed his surroundings.

The smell of blood had thickened many times over.

He felt slightly dizzy and more than that a sense of familiarity.

Just like the battlefield, huh?

He looked around and on a rough estimate, at least 300 people had died.

He could see corpses littered everywhere like it was a rubbish dump.

He slowly followed the origin of the metallic smell north.

Hachiro rushed ahead to find a small village surrounded by sea.

After entering the village, he muttered to himself.

"They're all dead..."

Hundreds of corpses were gathered in front of a small wooden hall.

"It seems like they all gathered her in an effort to protect their families and food."

Many of the corpses were holding knives, pitch forks and other farming tools.

"The murderer didn't use a weapon, it seems they likely used earth or water style jutsu, but there doesn't seem to be any chakra in the ground..."

He squatted down and checked the bodies of the villagers, confirming that it was definitely some form of ninjutsu.

"Was it him?"

Hachiro stood up again, making some guesses.

"They seem unnaturally cold, he shouldn't have gone far."

He closed his eyes and scanned dozens of miles around him using observation haki that he was buffing with the rumble rumble fruit.

After a while, he opened his eyes and transformed into lightning as he hurried east, "Well, that's one down I guess."

A young figure crawled along the side of the river bank, the figure looked up at the snow.

The small child exhausted the last of its strength as it tried climbing inside the hollow of a tree in an effort to warm and hide themselve.

"Daddy... Why did you kill mother?.. Why?.."

Despite the child's face covered in dirt, it was possible to vaguely make out their perfectly symmetrical facial features that were arranged nearly and beautifully.

The child that looked 6 years old, at most was crying.


After a while, his stomach started begging for food, interrupting his cries, he just sat dazed.

"That's not good, your so hungry, you can't even cry."

The sudden voice caused the child to jump back in surprise.

Note: The first half of this chapter took three times as long as the second half lol