Chapter 25: What are you going to do, sue me?

Kimimaro and Haku showed some embarrassment after realizing they wouldn't be much help.

A moment ago, their bodies had acted before their brains could think.

In retrospect, since meeting Hachiro, he had been the one dealing with all the enemies so far.

"You two... are the descendants of the Kaguya and Yuki clan? But they were already wiped out..."

When she saw Kimimaro and Haku use their respective kekkai genkai, her eyes were filled with surprise.

The reason why she had escaped was because she had heard what had happened to the other clans with bloodline limits.

Although, every member of her clan had been incredibly talented and strong, they were small in number and after the stronger members went missing on missions, they were weak when the mist Anbu came and slaughtered everyone in their compound.

Other than her and a few others everyone had died.

With the destruction of the three biggest clans and some smaller ones, only now did the people of Kirigakure realise that the Mizukage wanted to erase bloodline limits from Kirigakure completely.

Most people including her thought that their bloodlines were gone forever.

But here she was seeing two children use the Dead Bone Pulse and Ice release.

Unfortunately, she knew who the man behind them was.

In the third ninja war, despite the Mist and Cloud not coming into full scale conflict, they knew the shinobi belonging to each side well.

Despite meeting each other for the first time they both knew who the other was.

Although, Hachiro hadn't seen her as such a young woman, he knew who she was.——

The future Fifth Mizukage · Terumi Mei.

Hachiro patted his head without knowing it as he couldn't help but ponder on the feasibility of grabbing her and throwing her into Kumogakure.

Before coming, he had only been thinking about Haku, Suigetsu and Kimimaro.

But Terumi Mei had the strongest bloodline out of them all.

"Are you... the Strongest lightning style user from Kumogakure?"

She hesitated to guess,

She had participated in the war but had only fought against ninja from Konoha.

She was a younger member of her clan so she was protected by the elders of her clan and didn't have to worry about the bigger picture as a whole.

She only really knew about the other battlefields from rumours.

Hachiro didn't answer her question but said,

"There are a lot of ninja coming over here."

His excessive use of lightning to scare off the masked annoyance had attracted the mist's attention.

No wonder, with how loud that last discharge was, it was no surprise.

They would have to be blind and deaf to have missed it.

After getting rid of the mist shinobi's pursuit, Hachiro pulled out his Shinobi protector to answer her.

Even if, Haku and Kimimaro, knew he was from another country, they wouldn't likely care since he was the only one they trusted.

"Sure enough, I was right. It's you."

Terumi Mei sighed in dismay

[The Strongest Lightning Style Ninja in the Shinobi World]…

Recalling his nickname, he earned from the battlefield, her mind came back to the pillar of thunder that shook the sky earlier and thought,

How about we remove the 'Lightning style' and go with 'The Strongest ninja in the shinobi world' sounds much better and realistic. Yeah!

Noticing that she was creeping behind the three of them like a ghost, Hachiro asked with a puzzled expression.

"Why are you following us?"


She didn't know how to respond.

Since, she had awakened both the Lava release and boil release of her clan, she was an extremely rare talent and naturally high on the Fourth Mizukage's hitlist.

She herself wasn't all that sure where to go, right now.

Plus, she needed the two little guys hanging over Hachiro's shoulders.

She was just subconsciously following along.

"We're heading to the land of Lightning. If it's okay with you, let's separate here."

Hachiro waved her off with a disgusted expression saying "Go away, don't bother me."

Her face flushed with anger

What's wrong with you!?

I'm a beauty in need of saving, and you're just telling me to wait and die here?!

Although, angry, she also noticed where he was going and pointed to Kimimaro and Haku in worry, asking,

"You're taking them to Kumogakure?"

"Yeah, what? Are you going to go to your Mizukage and sue me?"

Hachiro seemed to be blatantly bullying her as her face turned white and red from exasperation.

In her opinion, taking the two remaining heirs of the Dead Bone Pulse and Ice release was the same as robbing Kirigakure of their future.

But now, someone wanted to take them away, it was like kicking the Mist down.

They already had enough problems with an insane mizukage that was going around killing whoever he liked with no regard for the well being of the village.

If Kimimaro and Haku were to get married in the future, even if she were to argue that they belong to Kirigakure, she would be fighting a losing battle.

"No way! You can't take them!"

Her anger erupted and she got into a fighting posture, she looked a lot different from the marriage mad Mizukage in the future and even a bit naive that she stood a chance against him.

He smiled and said,

"What are trying to do?"

"These two children are the future of Kirigakure! I will never allow you to take them away!"

She scolded him as her figure flashed and she rushed towards Hachiro making seals in her hands.

However, as if played on repeat a picture from earlier showed up again.

Two immature children raised a bone knife and an ice blade blocking her from reaching him.

Even though, they were dangling over Hachiro's shoulders they tried their best to protect him.