Chapter 27: Where there is light, there is also darkness.

The ninja village, hidden in the clouds.

By the time Hachiro had returned, it was the new year.

"Don't you think you should explain yourself?"

Hachiro's first stop after making it back to the cloud was the Raikage's office.

He didn't expect to meet Samui who was holding onto Hinata's little hand as soon as he opened the door.

When she saw Terumi Mei following behind Hachiro, she was ready to flip him into next week.

You haven't even dealt with your other lady problem, and now you're making more?!

She looked at this woman's practically perfect facial features and figure that was challenging her own.

She looked down.

Hmph, I'm still bigger... by about 3 centimeters?

Seeing Samui, he felt like he had been caught cheating.

He wanted to explain himself, but right now, he was feeling even more terrified than when he was questioned by his uncle, the Third Raikage.

Wait, that's not right? I haven't done anything wrong.

"Explanation? Didn't I tell you, I was on a mission?"

He stared fearlessly at her blue eyes.

"This little devil with the weird looking eyebrows is Kaguya Kimimaro, he's the last successor to the Kaguya clans Dead Bone Pulse."

"And this female looking boy is Haku, he has the Yuki clan's Ice release."

Hachiro picked up, Hinata who was tugging his leg and introduced the newcomers to the cloud shinobi.

"Oh, and this miss, is the future Fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei. She has a double bloodline limit."

Terumi Mei, who was feeling extremely uncomfortable under the glaring eyes of Samui, took the initiative to start a conversation.

"I have established a cooperative relationship with Mr. Hachiro. During my stay in Kumogakure, I will act according to the instructions of Lord Raikage and Mr Hachiro, provided that I am not requested to act against the Land of Water."

"After helping your village successfully defeat Konoha, I hope you help me by sending troops to defeat Yagura, so that the mist can get back on track.

In her view, cooperating with the Shinobi from the cloud was a very risky move.

She couldn't ensure that they would do what they promised after she had helped them.

But unfortunately, she had no other choice.

"Future... Fifth Mizukage?"

Hearing that, the eyes of the Fourth Raikage lit up.

Previously, they had planned to plant the Hyuga girl into the next Hokage.

If we managed to plant this women as the MIzukage then we would dominate all over the board.

Although, she seems harder to control given she isn't as young as Hinata.

The Raikage stood up and shouted honorably,

"I, the Fourth Raikage, have never went against a promise in my life!"

"Mabui, take miss Terumi and arrange the best accommodation for her."

He barked orders out at Mabui with vigor.

"Yes, sir."

After responding, she walked over to Mei's side and said,

"Miss Terumi, please follow me."


In response, Terumi Mei sighed and wondered,

Is there no other option?

When Mabui walked past, Hachiro she whispered to him,


Under, Hachiro's suspicious gaze, she walked out of the office.

Sorry? Sorry for what?

"Samui, could you take these two children to the orphanage where the war orphans live? By the way, could you use your name to help go through the admission procedures for the Ninja academy."

The Raikage turned to Samui.

She nodded without a word and raised her hand to motion Kimimaro and Haku to follow her out.

When walking past Hachiro, she yanked Hinata from him.

She gave him a fierce look that said, 'just wait until we get home'

Hachiro resisted the urge to roll his eyes, as he thought he would have to sleep on the coach tonight.

With that, now only, Hachiro, the Raikage and Tutai were left in the office.

The Raikage asked curiously,

"Do you really think that woman could become Mizukage?"

"Well, what do you think?"

Hachiro raised his eyebrows and sent back the question.

"Hachiro-sama, personally, I don't think this is a good trade. We are adding a single jonin to our forces when we attack Konoha, and in return we will have to expend hundreds just to hold down the Mizukage's guards. We will also have to mobilise a kage-level ninja to fight Yagura."

"I think it would be best to get rid of her after using her."

Although, the cloud were straightforward and friendly most of the time.

They weren't foolish enough to trust a shinobi from an enemy village.

Shinobi were known for how cunning and ruthless they were.

And the large majority of the cloud were the same.

As for the Raikage statement about honesty and keeping promises... that was just him taking lessons from Hiruzen and his b*******.

For a shinobi the results were what mattered.

No one cared about the process it took to achieve those results, they were irrelevant.

Unless, it was against the village law then you could do whatever you wanted on a mission.

Terumi Mei only had the strength of an elite jonin even with her two bloodline limits.

How much help could she be?

She certainly wasn't worth the large amount of military power they would have to lose to kill the Mizukage.

Therefore, being realistic, the fourth Raikage and Tutai deemed it best to resort to less savory means.

No shinobi village did not pull trickery in the shadows.

Each village had a dark side, hidden behind the light.