Chapter 14: In Konoha, the Hokage is Supreme.

Although, Hinata was little more than just a cute little ornament, he reasoned it was fine.

But now, that he thought about it, it was quite idiotic to suggest having her become Hokage.

To become the leader of a village as big as Konoha, she would need to become at the very least Low level Kage, but in doing so he would have to pressure her just like the Hyuga clan did.

That was the last thing he wanted.

In the original anime, she trained in her clan's traditional Gentle Fist, and to be honest it wasn't all that amazing.

Even though they claimed to be on par with the Uchiha clan, the truth was the average shinobi from the Uchiha clan was far stronger than that of the Hyuga.

The Uchiha was exterminated in one night and so it was certainly possible for the same to happen to the Hyuga.

Nearly, all members of the Hyuga clan believed that their clan was the strongest, but did they ever produce any kage-level ninja?

No, maybe a few ninja with the potential to be one but ultimately, that was it.

In the presence of their ancestor, Otsutsuki Kaguya, they couldn't even stand in front of her.

A palm from her could smash through the susanoo's armour with ease.

If that was a technique, then it was way stronger than the gentle fist could ever be.

"I'm an idiot, I should have planned for this three years ago when I decided to go ahead with the plan."

Currently, he didn't have access to the training method of the Gentle fist.

When he took Hinata from Konoha three years ago, he forgot to ask them for their traditional techniques. Not that they would give it to him. Hiashi was unconscientious and the elders would never agree to give their enemies a way to find their weaknesses.

"Forget it, I'll focus on awakening and training her chakra control first."

He was going to push his other problems off to the side for a moment and enjoy Hinata's birthday party.

Just when he looked up at Hinata, he received a slap with cream on his face.


Who the hell was that!?

Hinata is too cute and small for that and that brat, Atsui, was even less daring.

That could only mean...

He saw Samui looking at him and laughing, he wanted to curse her but gave a smile as if nothing happened.

Samui! I see you're getting more courageous.

Just wait until tonight, I'll make sure I get payback...

At the same time, in Konoha, the Hyuga clan had just finished celebrating a small birthday party, missing the special someone's presense.

"Brother, I heard that Sister-in-law has finally recovered from that event... Congratulations."

In the patriarch's residence, Hyuga Hizashi had a complicated expression as he gazed at his brother.

From what he had heard, Hiashi's wife had still yet to recover from the traumatic event three years ago, and if not for the urging of the elders she wouldn't have even considered giving birth again.

You know, since the blatant kidnapping of her daughter.

She had to attend been attending therapy sessions for over two years and although it had massively helped, she still had doubts of such an event repeating itself.

Unfortunately, she had to give the clan an heir or there could be all sorts of problems.

"Today… is Hinata's birthday,"

Hiashi took a deep breath and said,

"I barely know anything that goes on in Kumogakure, she could be suffering and I wouldn't even know it."

"Brother, has your petition not been approved yet?"

Hizashi asked,

Since the initial founding of the alliance between the two villages, the two sides have been trying to get access into the other's land.

However, getting the consent of the other's Kage or daimyo was proving to be an almost impossible task.

In the last three years, despite how hard he looked he couldn't get any concrete information on how his daughter was doing the cloud shinobi village.

Hiashi and his wife had sent out an entry application recently after they had started getting desperate.

However, as soon as he asked the question, he wanted to slap himself.

Isn't the answer obvious?

The Raikage would never agree.

Sure enough, he didn't need to hear his brother's reply as he saw an angry expression reveal itself on his face.

Hizashi already knew the answer.

"...Have you heard?"

Hiashi said softly, with a stern face.


Hizashi frowned in doubt.

"That man from the Raiden clan is apparently being groomed as the Raikages successor. His strength isn't far from the kage-level."

When Hiashi mentioned 'him' he obviously gotten worked up.

"He's so strong?"

When Hizashi heard him, he let out a sigh in surprise.

It was obvious the ambassador from way back then was strong for his age, but Jonin was a level in which many peak at.

Though, if he was a promising Raikage candidate then that meant Kumo was optimistic about his future.

"Brother, did you hear this from rumours?"

"I bought it off one of the more trustworthy sources in the black market. They said he was just as strong as the Raikage, and since when have ninja surpassed the leader of their villages? Never."

"Well, there was the White Fang..."

After Hiashi heard his brother mention the name of a recent legend from the hidden leaf that had committed suicide, he reacted swiftly with slight fear.

"Don't say his name out loud. A ninja can never be too careful."

In konoha's history, the only shinobi to ever surpass the Hokage, the White Fang, Sakumo Hatake killed himself.

The reason was that he fell into depression was thanks to rumours.

When the other clan's heard about this they could tell something was fishy right from the start.

To become a ninja, not to mention one of the strongest in the world, required good mental fortitude.

The rumours criticized that he abandoned an S-rank mission because valued the lives of his squad mates more.

Later, when they investigated and found the rumours being distributed throughout the village by the Shimura clan they found the reason the details of an S-rank mission were available to the general public.

"It's best to assume this information was sent to us by Kumogakure. It's probably to tell us to give up on getting revenge."

Hiashi said feeling a mess of negative emotions.

"But... Don't we have Shisui? Surely he can become as strong as the raikage too."

Hyuga Hizashi tried to be optimistic.

But it didn't appear to help the situation because he was part of the Uchiha clan that the elders were ostracizing.

"Uchiha Shisui… how long will he live?"

Hiashi couldn't help but look far away at the sculpted face of the third Hokage embedded mountain wall around Konoha.

Even if he wasn't a part of that clan, who knows if the Hokage would try to eliminate him, just like he ordered Danzo to kill Sakumo.

In this Village, if you were as strong as the Hokage then you were monitored and swiftly dealt with as soon as possible.