Chapter 30: Kimimaro's worrying condition.

Now the new year was fast approaching, during this period the cloud shinobi should have originally obtained Hizashi's body.

However, because of the caged bird seal they would lose the byakugan.

But now, they had gotten Hinata Hyuga, who was originally meant to be the Hyuga clan's heiress and two other bloodline limits. Three, if you count Terumi Mei.

On a playground near the Cloud shinobi ninja academy,

Ice Release·Icy mist technique!"

After Haku completed the last hand seal the large playground was enveloped in a white mist.

It was also accompanied by a piercing chill.

"So cold!"

"Woah, is that what a kekkai genkai is? Haku is so cute and strong!"

"Idiot, Haku is a man."


Children of the same age as Haku were watching from the side and hugging themselves tightly.

They exclaimed in shock,


"Dance of the Camilla!"

Just as the cold mist was about to wrap the entire playground in its embrace,

A shadow zoomed across towards Haku, like a swallow diving for its prey.

Although, it was only at the speed of a special Jonin, it was impossible for any other academy student to match it.

Shuttles through the mist and waving a knife, that was really a shoulder bone was Kimimaro.

The crisp sound of a kunai and bone colliding rang out throughout the playground.

About five seconds later, there was a crisp sound of a collision of weapons.

All the other students stared in amazement.

The icy mist gradually faded revealing the two who were swinging at each other like worst enemies.

Haku's kunai broke from the repeated collisions, causing him to form a blade made of ice in response.

It had been nearly a year since they had been brought to the mist by Hachiro.

They had already integrated into the new village and stood out as prodigies and rivals.

"Wonderful. Their childhood in the bloody mist has caused them to grow up and mature faster than those of their age. Just proves that sometimes peace isn't the best environment."

In a nearby building, the Raikage, his assistants and some other people were spectating.

"I wonder where Master Hachiro found this kid?"

"That kid has plenty bones~ Uncle is very pleased! He can learn from my eight sword style. Oh yeah~(save me, I've spent 15 minutes trying to make this sound decent)

Killer Bee looked on excitedly at Kimimaro, who was shooting bone bullets out of his body.

Just imagining an eight sword style with swords randomly popping out of Kimimaro's body got his blood pumping.

In Kumogakure, the education system worked differently, than Konoha where a retired Jonin led three new graduated genin.

A Jonin could accept one to three students at a time, and it wasn't necessary for them to form a team.

"Kimimaro's physical condition is worrying. The Medical ninja that we had checking up on him, said his hereditary disease is causing his body to decline fast. According to the records, it's a miracle for a shinobi from the Kaguya family to live past 20 years of age. With 30 being the record."

Hachiro sat on the sofa with crossed legs and glanced at Kimimaro, analysing his opponent.

Unlike in the original, where he was Orochimaru's subordinate, he was now a shinobi of Kumo.

Meaning, it was now his problem.

He was having a headache from thinking about it for the last two weeks.

"Old eight, any ideas?"

He cast his eyes over to Killer Bee.

He froze for a moment before speaking again but this time with Eight Tails in control.

"Don't call me 'old eight', it feels weird."

In the anime, he doesn't think he has ever seen a jinchuriki other than Killer Bee pull off a temporally exchange control with a tailed beast.

Although, Naruto could probably do the same.

A while ago he had the cursed thought of what if Kushina Uzumaki switched when she was doing the forbidden stuff with Minato.

Wouldn't that make Minato is gay?


The Eight Tails who was borrowing Killer Bee's body said to Hachiro,

"He has the same blood as that of a woman I know... but unfortunately, I can't give you anymore information."

"Tsk, and the useless octopus drops the chain at the critical moment."

Hachiro curled his lips as the angry Eight Tails screamed about wanting to fight the smug bastard.

Killer Bee hurriedly took back control of his body.

"Why don't we send this kid a few wives later. Then he can give birth to a few babies before his disease takes full effect."

The fourth Raikage yelled.

Hachiro was speechless,

"Can't you think of something other than marriage and children."

When he first brought Terumi Mei back, he made the exact same proposal, is that the only thing he can think of nowadays?

Is he addicted to marrying others and forcing them to have children.

"Then do you have a better solution?"

The Raikage looked as if he was talking to an idiot.

His expression really irked Hachiro.

Although they might have to do just what he suggested, he didn't want to give up on Kimimaro, yet.

But if it really came down to it, they might just have to cut their loses by getting him to have a few children.

At least that way they can ensure the Dead Bone Pulse, kekkai genkai doesn't go extinct.

He could go and pop off children like Big Mom.

"Speaking of which, why are you here anyway? Just to check on those two down there?"

Hachiro rubbed his temple and threw Kimimaro's problem to the back of his mind for now.

The Fourth Raikage took out a small scroll.

"The old thing from Konoha, sent a message saying he wanted to organise a chunin exam with any and all villages that would like to participate."

The Chunin exam?

Upon hearing what it was about, his face became serious.

I specified that this plan would take place during the chunin exam...

But I never specified which one...

That was a major oversight, I wonder if the 'Konoha Crush' project will take place without me in the know.

That would be a massive joke.

Oh well, just gotta help the brainy snake doesn't try to attack without Kumogakure or his end won't be a favourable one.

Note: I'm really bloody confused about what part of this chapter meant. I'll revisit this later once I figure it out.