Chapter 46: I'm going to be the greatest Hokage ever! Dattabayo!

He noticed that Asuma was missing and smiled,

"Hmm~? The monkey isn't here?"

"Oh, right! I forgot that his brother just died."

Kurenai said with irritation,

"You're good at leaving a bad impression."

Hachiro gave a laugh out of the irony, and pointed at the Uzumaki behind him, chomping on the chocolate that resembled a ninja's throwing tools.

"I feel that compared to your village, I'm still quite inexperienced."

"You know... the lineage of Naruto?"

Hearing what the other party was implying he was in disbelief.

"Everyone calls him demon fox, he has the last name 'Uzumaki' and the yellow hair that comes straight from the yellow flash himself."

"Plus don't tell anyone, he was my imaginary rival for a while after I saw him fight my cousins in the war. It would be hard to not recognise him."

He chuckled and glanced at the Rock sculpture of the Fourth Hokage's face on the mountain wall of Konoha.

"I'm quite curious. What would he think if he found out his son was being treated like this? Better hope he never comes back to life and see's the state of things in Konoha."

The three Jonin were speechless,

"Hey! Mei, want to continue our date another day? I don't really feel the mood anymore."

Hachiro looked behind him and saw the blond and Mei making conversation, he was almost as speechless as the Jonin with how attached she looked to him.

She said goodbye and hopped over to him.

"Well, I guess we won't see each other after tomorrow, so bye!"

Naruto wiped the tears off his face and shouted at Hachiro and Mei,

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm going to be the greatest Hokage! Believe it!"

Hachiro paused for a moment and looked back before sniggering at Kakashi,

"That's a shame, I guess you won't have a chance at becoming the Sixth Hokage, better go for the Seventh."

Kakashi's hidden mouth twitched,

What the hell!

I'm not interested in the position of Hokage.

The meeting room beside the Hokage's office.

The Konoha elders, the Uchiha, Hyuga, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Nara and other clan heads were gathered in the room.

They all sat along a big round table.

"If both Sunagakure and Kumogakure launch a war on Konoha, we will suffer severe damage. We can't guarantee that there's we will win either."

Shikaku Nara crossed his arms and explained, "The Cloud shinobi have the most troops right now, they aren't weaker either and possess a good level of strength. They also might have more Kage level ninja than us even if we count the Sanin."

"So we'll have to agree to the request of those cloud shinobi?"

Hiashi asked with a very interested expression.

"Doesn't matter much anyway. We've already conceded once, one or two more times won't make much difference."

"Hiashi Hyuga, watch your attitude! What do you mean?"

Homura Mitokado hit his fist against the table and scolded him.

"Ahh~ I'm just repeating what the elders did four years ago. Is there a problem?"

Hiashi asked rhetorically


"Excuse me, Patriarch Hiashi, Elder Homura, whether we agree to the Cloud's request will ultimately depend on Lord Hokage-sama.

Shikaku interrupted and acted as a peacemaker with both sides.

Homura gave a snort before saying nothing.

To him, he was doing everything he could for the good of Konoha.

Danzo squinted his revealed eye and glanced at Hiruzen,

"Patriarch Shikaku is right, facing the offense of two major shinobi villages won't end well."

"Our teacher, Tobirama Senju taught us that every ninja should pursue patience, self control and self sacrifice. Isn't that how Konoha has survived to this day, Hiruzen?"

"Self-sacrifice? Are you telling me to surrender my son to those demons?"

Fugaku asked in an emotionless voice.

"How about Lord Danzo sacrifices himself? I think an elder would suffice."

"Hehe, of course not. Does this old man look like he's got a pair of sharingan hiding somewhere?"

Danzo sneered, as the transplanted sharingan opened their eyes and twitched.


Fugaku slammed his fist against the table which trembled.

"You dare ask me to hand over my own son! I'll kill you!"

"Hmph! Fugaku, do you want to rebel?"

Danzo taunted him,

"Everyone has wanted to rebel after you came to power!!!"

In a rage, Fugaku stood up and didn't hold his tongue, indirectly insulting Hiruzen.


Seeing how agitated Fugaku was, Hiruzen felt worried that he would lose control and try to destroy Konoha regardless of the costs.

Hiashi watched on with cold eyes before saying with utmost seriousness.

"Hokage-sama, so are we handing over Sasuke."

"...I've been rude, Lord Hokage."

Fugaku sat down with his emotionless expression, hiding his clenched fists under the table.

After spending so many years in this circle of politics, he already knew what Hiruzen was aiming for.

"Meeting dismissed, everyone should go rest and prepare. This old man will think about it."

After a moment of silence, Hiruzen spoke again.

Fugaku left the building calmly and returned to the Uchiha clan compound.

Once he was there, he summoned all chunin level and above ninja in the clan to the Naka shrine.

Note: Exams starting tomorrow, wish me luck!