Chapter 52: My Kindness is not weakness...

The valley of Clouds and Lightning was almost an exclusive training ground for Hachiro.

Countless streaks of thunder hugged around each other, gradually forming the outline of a giant.

Under the rage of the violent bolts, the rocks scattered around the valley were reduced to dust.

Invisible forces of magnetism caused materials stuck in the ground to gradually lift up towards the tornado of Lightning.

The materials slowly broke down and began resembling iron sand.

It became a mix of blue and black.

Visually it looked similar to the Raikage's black lightning style, but fundamentally it was completely different.

"This chakra feels as heavy as a tailed beast!"

On the boundaries around the training ground, many shinobi had been attracted by the impressive show of might.

Most of them didn't speak, they hadn't saw anything like it.

The Two Tailed Beast, Matatabi, was feeling uneasy being in the presense of such beserk chakra.

It cloaked the body of its host, instinctively.

Boom! ! !

The Thunder Giant looked as if it's body was about to collapse. The chakra making up it's body was attempting to squirm free.

Samui shouted to remind those around her.

"Everyone, get down!!"

Some of the viewers, although confused, reacted subconsciously and dived onto the ground.

Rumble–! ! !

The deafening sound belonging to the thunder pierced their eardrums.

The earth shook.

And after a period of time, they gathered the courage to get up.

"That-! What is that?!"

When the by standing shinobi gazed up at the sky, they looked as if they were re-enacting the scene where Madara dropped a meteorite on the heads of the ninja from the coalition army.

No, it was more ridiculous than that!

"The clouds... no, the ground is gone!?"

"God, am I dreaming?"

"If this attack hit a village... it would be decimated."

If you were to look at the the valley from the eyes of a bird, you would find that there was a hole in the sky extending thousands of meters below ground level.

It was quite literally a bottomless hole.

It looked similar to a weakened version of the explosion created by Indra's arrow and Ashura's ultra big ball rasenshuriken.

[The Lightning God system]

[Host: Hachiro Raiden]

[First template: Enel] [Unlocking degree: 100%] [Second template: Misaka Mikoto·Opening Stage(Magic God Power Level)] [Unlocking rate: 29.3%]

Hachiro levitated over the center of the training ground, and glanced at the system panel.

"I think I'll need at least 60% completion rate on the template before I can throw around a million volts."


From the corner of his eye, Hachiro could see someone he hadn't in a while stand fearfully at the edge of the crater.

Genkei was flailing a letter about.

"Ehm... Mr. Tutai's reply."

Hachiro took the letter and opened it.

After a quick glance, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha...Haha! 300 million ryo? That bastard Rasa, is bolder than a bull! Hahaha-"

In summary, what Tutai had said in the letter was that, the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa wanted 300 million ryo in exchange for Pakura.

It was kind of like transferring a football player.

Only this football player was Neymar on steriods.

Arcs of lightning flashed around him, burning the letter to ashes.

Genkei looked nervous and frightened by Hachiro's appearance.

"Eh... Hachiro-sama, how should we reply?"

Hachiro shouted,


Suddenly, Yugito appeared beside them.

"Yes, Hachiro-sama, what's the matter?"

"Grab a squad of Anbu and an army of five hundred ninja. You will march to the Land of Wind and pay them fanfare."

Hachiro had a small grin,

"This should teach, Rasa, a lesson. I gave him a chance to ask for some remuneration. That was not weakness, but kindness..."

Two days later, a piece of news set the many forces into alarm once again--

The perfect Two Tailed Jinchuriki, Yugito-Nii, led a small army of ninja in the direction of the Sand.

Could it be that the cloud was starting a war? !

What confused the other villages, was why attack the Land of Wind?

The country that was 90% desert, and so poor they struggled to survive as a major village.

The only conclusion, they could come to was that somehow the Sand offended the Cloud shinobi behind their backs.

Old Sarutobi got excited at the prospect of the Cloud attacking the Sand, it was the perfect chance to avenge his son!

He wrote a letter to the Fourth Raikage and conveyed his intense desire to assist Kumogakure in their conquest over the Land of Wind.

Only, Rasa, the Kazekage knew why the Cloud had mobilised.

To avoid them showing their fangs and biting into the small amount of flesh his village had.

He issued an (Impossible) mission to Pakura.

Assassinate the heir to the Raiden clan!

Afterwords, he wrote a short book, expressing his hope that the Cloud would forgive him for his rude behaviour and that he wanted to use Pakura to compensate for it.

Note: I am confuffled. Wiki says like nothing about Pakura other than her title and how she died.