Chapter 64: Karma is in the air

Actually, Hachiro didn't care if the old foxes found out that Kumogakure had been fishing for trouble in Konoha.

This was different from the incident where they stole the Scroll of Sealing.

If Konoha had evidence that the Scroll was in Kumogakure then the sights of the other villages would start aiming at them, and Hiruzen would leap with joy to start a fight in the name of avenging his son.

But in this case, they couldn't do much.

In this single battle, they will have lost not only the Uchiha, but a considerable number of the shinobi from Anbu and Root.

After today, they will be trying to contend for a good position among the Five major Shinobi villages. Starting a war with Kumogakure over a few sharingan that were smuggled would only weaken them further and put Konoha in even more danger.

Of course, it would be best if they didn't know that the Cloud had borrowed a few fancy red eyes and as such he asked with an empty threat.

Even if not a lot, he pitied Sasuke a little, he went through literal hell for just being born an Uchiha.

Plus, Sasuke was the reincarnation of Indra, he wasn't willing to get on the bad side of someone that could potentially annihilate his village. As unlikely as it was to happen.

There was also the plan, he had made with Orochimaru, in case the first few ones failed to work.

The more options they had for the 'Konoha Crush' plan, the better.

And as expected, the predictable bro-con that slaughtered his clan for a false promise looked at him angry.

He glared at Hachiro and activated his Mangekyo sharingan, in a struggle of resistance.

His eyes revealed a dart shaped pattern.

At a speed beyond many Jonin, he launched himself and swung his sword towards Hachiro.

"Hey! Calm down—"

White Zetsu tried to stop him, but it was too late.

"What's wrong with you? Anger issues much?"

Hachiro whistled from behind Itachi.


The Uchiha could only make out arcs of lightning, before he felt like he had been hit by a hammer.

Boom—Boom! ! !

In a matter of seconds, he had been combo'ed and smashed into the Naka shrine's gate

The entrance was in ruins as Itachi left a trail along the ground.

He only stopped after making contact with the wall behind him.

"He seems to be faster than before."

White Zetsu, used his perception to compare the encounter with Hachiro in the Land of Water, two years ago and thought incredulously.


Pakura showed up with the rest of the Cloud Shinobi and jumped over to Hachiro using the Body Flicker Technique.

"How did... wait, did someone deactivate the barrier?!"

Itachi got up and saw the many people that had somehow infiltrated Konoha and made an analysis.

Personally, he found it hard to believe that a technique that could allow enemies in mass to deceive the barrier that had been protecting Konoha for well over half a century.

Leaving the only other option, a traitor let these shinobi from another village in by deactivating the measures they took against such an event.

He looked through his memories and tried to link the name Hachiro to anyone he knew.

"Did you get what we came for?"

Hachiro asked calmly,


A shinobi from the side brought out two test tubes and showed them to him.

Itachi could see what was inside and revealed an expression of shock.

Inside the container, aside from the solution, eyes were floating about.

Eyes that he easily recognised as the Sharingan.

"You stole-"

Anger burned brightly like a flame inside the Uchiha.

He now remembered where he had heard the name Hachiro from.

The Raiden clan in the Cloud.

The cloud failed to kidnap his brother six months ago to no avail.

It was not surprising that they chose to steal some sharingan now.

"What~ You angry?"

Noticing Itachi's anger, Hachiro mocked him.

Genkai still in disguise said coldly,

"You killed your entire clan. I'm sure the Uchiha would hate you more than us."


Itachi got angry again and was about to use Tsukuyomi.

White Zetsu interrupted him by covering his eyes with his hands, he tried to persuade him to think about what he was doing.

"Calm down, this isn't a fight me or you, can win."

Hachiro jumped back up to the Torii gate and said,

"Didn't you say something about confronting your dad or was that just me?"

He was ready to shout orders to return home when he noticed something,

"Well, send 'Madara' my best regards. Let-"

He glanced over to the gathering of trees beside the shrine focusing on an unnaturally made shadow.

"I know your there."

Itachi and White Zetsu were taken aback realising that they had forgotten to be cautious of their surroundings.

Along with the sound of approaching footsteps, a girl the same age as Itachi walked out from behind a tree.

They identified her as Izumi Uchiha, under her big eyes, on the right she had a mole.

It wasn't hard to discern she was feeling a myriad of panic, despair and confusion at what was going on.


Itachi looked scared as he whispered the name of his old friend,

"Itachi... why... why did you do this?.."

She failed to smile as she tried to reject the reality of what was happening.

"Haha, I'm just kidding... There's no way a gentle person like you would ever do such a thing... Right?"