Chapter 66: Mangekyo blooming in despair.



A kunai collided with Itachi's sword and sent it flying.


Itachi could feel his right hand numb slightly,


No, the blunt force behind that kunai was just that ridiculously large.

"Clear off, do your thing."

Hachiro said impolitely,

The sounds of fighting in the distance had already ceased.

The battle had finished and the outcome was unlikely to be in the Uchiha's favour.

Itachi stared at him for a few moments before glancing between Izumi and the battlefield, finally he made a decision and rushed towards the compounds center.

"Remember, what I said!"

Hachiro issued a reminder to make sure he didn't impulsively reveal their identity to the old men.

Pakura squatted down beside Izumi and gave her a hug.

"Are you okay?"

The young girl was sobbing.

Hachiro hesitated before remembering she was only half Uchiha, she should have people from her family outside of the Uchiha clan.

"Do you have any relatives that could take you in?"

Izumi wiped the tears in her eyes and said,

"I... I had a mother but no father... she should have been home..."

Hachiro pondered for a few moments before raising his hand in the direction of the Naka shrine.

"Under the penultimate tatami is a secret entrance to a basement. You should know about it."

She associated the earlier screams and realised that it was nearly impossible for her mother to have survived.

She ran towards the shrine, hoping that maybe God had blessed her mother just like he had blessed or cursed to survive.

When it came to evolving a tomoe sharingan into a Mangekyo.

It was not necessary to be the one, to kill your loved one with your own hands. The requirement that needed to be satisfied was the pain of losing a loved one.

Obito Uchiha witnessed the death of his crush Rin Nohara while Itachi watched on as Shisui committed suicide.

In the end, both of them successfully managed to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan.

The real condition was just intense emotional pain brought by the death of a loved one.

In the basement of the Naka shrine.

Izumi hugged her mother, Hazuki Uchiha's, body.

The tear running down her face were tears of blood.

She didn't notice but her red eyes started to spin rapidly before transitioning into a pure black cross dart.

Pakura came behind her with a heavy heart. She gently hugged the girl and comforted her.

"It's okay... your mother wouldn't want you to cry."


Hachiro looked on and thought to himself, "I'm glad I'm not a Uchiha."

The misery and pain of losing your parents to someone you trusted. Forever engraved in your memory.

It seemed more like a curse from the Sage of six paths than a blessing.

Some time later.

They placed the bodies of the dead Uchiha into a storage seal.

Pakura took pity on her and asked Hachiro humbly,

"Could we take her? She has no clan, so it would be easier for her to start a new life. Please?.."

This was the first time, she had made a request to the village, since she ended up in Kumogakure.

Perhaps, witnessing a victim just like her that was betrayed by their village, she felt compassion.

"Up to her."

Hachiro looked over at the young girl.

"Mom's dead,I don't have any other relatives…nice relatives..."

Her eyes expressed the confusion she was feeling as she felt like everything in her life had been a lie.

"I should... I..."

"You don't have to think about it so much for now. You can figure out what you want to do later."

Pakura pulled Izumi into her chest and patted her back.

"We'll take her back to the village first. It should be fine, no one will question anything as long as we tell everyone you kidnapped her."

Hachiro "..."

Excuse me, was that a shot at me?

I'll have you know I am very petty and will repay you in tenfold.

The center of the Uchiha clan compound.

In this bloody battlefield, the moonlight shone on as the Uchiha clan met their slow and painful demise.

The Anbu was a pool of elite ninja from all over the village, this caused an overwhelming gap between the combat strength of an average ninja from both sides.

While the Uchiha were all but annihilated, the joint force of Anbu and Root ninja were just heavily wounded.


Fugaku could no longer handle the side effects of the excessive use of his Mangekyo and Chakra network.

He fell to his knees with blood coming out of everywhere in his body.

His ears, eyes, mouth and body let the escaping blood spill onto the ground.

The susanoo that had been protecting let a guardian angel was gone and he couldn't see through his eyes clearly anymore.

Among his clan, he was the only one to remain alive.

"Hehe, Fugaku. It's over."

Danzo laughed in jubilation after making certain he couldn't use anymore of his sharingan abilities.

He slowly approached with a grin.

Now, I will own another pair of Mangekyo sharingan.


Facing the triumphant Danzo, Fugaku sneered and out of spite shaped his hands like claws.


Instantly, Danzo noticed what he was trying to do and could only look on in horror.

The eyes he had been fantasizing about had been savagely ripped out of the Patriarch's eye sockets and crushed.

"Damn you, Fugaku! Damn you and all the Uchiha!!!"

Danzo growled in fury.


The filial son had just arrived.