Chapter 76: Registration


Konoha was to be the host of this exam.

The Leaf, Sand, Cloud and tens of smaller villages all prepared in unison for the upcoming chance to observe their competitors.

Compared to a few years ago, Konoha had allied with many more smaller villages causing the number of participants to triple in number.

The talents that the villages were taking note of increased as well. Such as the new generation Ino-Shiko-Cho, Gaara of the Sand and Hinata Raiden.

On July the 1st, 60 years since Konoha's establishment.

The first test in this exam was taking place at Konoha's academy.

It was going to start in less than three hours.

"Konoha is still as busy and bustling as ever..."

Hachiro led Hinata, Haku and Kimimaro into the village. They stepped through the gate causing the distant sculptures of the past four Hokage on the mountain beside Konoha to enter their vision.

He thought to himself, if this succeeds will we have to smash this thing and rebuild it?

He noticed one of the two shinobi in charge of guarding the gate walk over to him.

I'll think about it later~

"Are you the representatives from Kumogakure? If you are, please register quickly. The first exam will begin shortly."

They seem familiar...

"So~ who are you?"

Hachiro asked in a cheerful voice, when they were registering themselves.

The shinobi glanced at him before looking down at the page again.

"Genma Shiranui."

Hachiro put his hand on his chin and pondered over the name.

He burst out laughing after remembering who he was.

"Oh! You're one of the Hokage's elite guards! I think I remember seeing something about you somewhere."

He remembered who he was now, he was one of the three shinobi that helped Mei teleport over to the other four Kage during the ninja war.

It was quite unexpected that after the death of the eternal guard team, they would take over.

"These three are the genin that will be participating in hopes for a promotion to Chunin, right?"

He was staring at Hinata so intensely, she started to fidget nervously.


Glancing at the registration book again, he noticed that her name was Hinata Raiden.

He gave a sigh, full of complicated emotions.

The eldest daughter of the Hyuga patriarch had returned, but now she had the surname of someone from another village.

A familiar voice came from behind surprising Hachiro, it was the voice of an old acquaintance from the war.

"Lord Hachiro, welcome~"

He turned around to meet the gazes of a smiling Kakashi, Might Guy, Asuma and Kurenai.

The last time, they came to Konoha it resulted in the deaths of the Hokage's family and sparks of hostility between Suna and Konoha.

Asuma was staring at him heatedly, as the other two looked at Hinata curiously.

Her female Cloud Shinobi clothing was similar in style to Samui, her forehead protecter hanging around her neck like a scarf with a gentle temperament.

The objects of their attention was the pure white eyes reflecting the world around her.

"What a coincidence, we just sent our students into the examination area. I didn't expect to run into you like that.

Kakashi's eye curved.

Hachiro looked at them blankly,

"That's a pretty bad reason to tail someone. Well, not like I'm going to try anything anyway. I am a righteous man of justice, after all."

Whether it was the Shinobi from Konoha or those from another village, they felt speechless at how absurd and direct his statements were.

But then again, he was probably wanting rid of these four ninja.

Two of them could be considered the strongest in the village after the Hokage.

Kakashi with Kamui and Might Guy with his Eight gates.

Kakashi ran through different ways to respond in his mind before Hachiro continued,

"It's okay, I understand we are all shinobi. Even if you can't stop me, I'll try to tolerate you for a while."

Asuma could feel an intense agitation with each passing second he looked at him.

Although, he had matured a lot since their last encounter, he just felt frustrated looking at him.

Asuma hid his hands inside his pockets while secretly clenching his fists.

Kurenai noticed and thought to herself, Asuma is too hot tempered and irrational. He should stop holding a grudge from so long ago.

She glanced at Might Guy, and thought.

See, even the muscle brain understands this missions importance and has started thinking rationally.

Hachiro smiled and made it look like he wanted to change the topic.

"By the way, Miss Yuhi and manchi-I meant Asuma are lovers now? Didn't expect that development."


Kurenai shouted in surprise hearing him.

Asuma smirked and thought that Hachiro suddenly wasn't so bad, anymore.

Before Kurenai could refute him, Hachiro continued.

"I took divination classes a long time ago. Judging by the way Mr. Asuma is walking, I think he will die soon~"

Asuma exploded in fury and tried to jump him.

"What did you say!?"

Kakashi and Might Guy grabbed onto him and locked him in place.

"Hey! Asuma, calm down!"

"Just a bad joke, that's all!"

Kurenai's face became the same colour as her eyes.

Her rationality barely holding together as she spat out,

"You- What are you on about?!"

"Y'know, just being kind. Wouldn't want a pretty lady to marry and become a widow a few weeks later."

Hachiro shrugged his shoulders and said innocently,

Kurenai took the offense and rushed past Kakashi and Guy.

"Demonic Illusion•Tree bi-"

She tried to use a genjutsu only to be interrupted by a sword made of bone.

Kimimaro emotionlessly asked,

"What are you trying to do to Hachiro-sama?"


Note: Samui isn't pregnant (Thoroughly checked the next 25 chapters. This arc is going to be long as hell.)