Chapter 93: We would love to be allies!

Kakashi and Guy watched not too sure what to do, before Naruto approached them.

Covered in sweat from his summoning training, he asked curiously,

"What's happening Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi felt a headache growing and waved his hand.

"Go back to training, it's just some everyday drama."

Naruto squinted his eyes unconvinced and looked towards Hachiro and Asuma.

He didn't really understand a thing, they were saying and muttered displeased.

Kakashi rubbed his temple.

What could he do?

The events from back then were listed as A-rank information, not something genin were allowed to know.

Kiba and Akumaru approached with a few other genin trailing behind, and asked Kurenai a similar question as well.

Hachiro gave an infuriating grin and taunted Asuma by treating him like a five year old child.

"Okay, okay. What makes you so confident it was me? Stop making such a big fuss. Troublesome..."

"If Konoha wants an excuse to start a war, they just need to ask. I'll make sure our Raikage knows in a jiffy."

The naked threat caused the onlookers to become unsettled.


Asuma gritted his teeth even harder, and got annoyed with his rampant actions blowing the situation up.

"I mean, as the Hokage's son, you represent his actions, right?"

The young and wimpy, Ino Yamanaka, asked Kurenai with fear in her eyes.

"Kurenai-san, are we going to fight the Cloud Shinobi?"

The genin beside her finally showed delayed reactions after processing what war would mean.

They felt immense panic for good reason.

While, they had killed small and harmless animals in the academy, they had never had to take the life of another human before.

Konoha was all about avoiding war and promoting peace, the atrocities of war was something every child in the village knew.

Suddenly, a portion of the mob's attention was distracted by another figure.

Someone among the crowd shouted causing the rest to give way.

"Lord Hokage, is here!"

Hiruzen led, many Anbu and patriarchs that had been present in the recent meeting towards the commotion.

A few of the Konoha 12 noticed their parents and whispered to themselves.

Tenten gave out a heavy sigh and said with worry.

"I guess we really are going to war if Lord Hokage is getting involved..."

She assumed that the village leader had come to support his son in the argument with Hachiro.

Hachiro gave a slight bow, void of any real respect and greeted him.

"Hello, Hokage-sama. Would you clarify the Leaf's standpoint?"

"I speak for the entirety of Kumogakure and would like to convey, that we would like to preserve peace for as long as possible. If you must start a war, please wait until we finish the current chunin exam. I wouldn't want to involve the younger generation in our grudges after all..."

Hachiro made several gestures as if he was completely sincere.

War was a frequent event in the Shinobi world, that often spelled the doom of many different villages, even if you survived one, could you survive the next one? Or the conflict following the first two?


Hiruzen's shout scared the onlookers.

With the majority of observers being those without much strength, the Hokage was equivalent to a God to them.

What they didn't expect was that Hiruzen would proceed to walk over to Asuma and grab him by the ear.


The Hokage's son gave a yelp of pain as everyone recoiled in shock.

Why was the Hokage reprimanding his son instead of returning fire at the Cloud shinobi?

Asuma was consumed by the encroaching rage he was suppressing.

"Don't pretend to be dumb, old man! You know well, what I'm talking about!"

The corner of Hachiro's mouth twitched as he tried to hide guilty pleasure he felt from his suffering.

Nevertheless, Hiruzen ignored him and scolded him, "Hmph! You slandered the ambassador of our allies. What are you getting all angry about, just wait until we get back I'll punish you until you can't move your body an inch!"

He grabbed Asuma by the back of the neck and forced him to bow down with him and apologised.

"Under rule 263, I will have my son punished for half hazardly threatening the safety of another while drunk. Please don't let his careless words shake the strong bond held together by the alliance between Konoha and Kumogakure."

Asuma swallowed his anger, whispering to him heatedly, "What should I have expected from a senile old man like you. I bet big brother would be ashamed to have ever been called your son!"

Guy heard him and tried telling him, not so discreetly.

"Calm down!"

Hachiro beamed even more brightly at them and assured them.

"Don't worry, on behalf of my village, I can confidently tell you, the cloud would love to be allies with the leaf for decades to come!"

...A leaf village, not led by you that is...


Is that book about Minato in Boruto any good? I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.