Chapter 115: Does Sakura even possess the ability to learn from mistakes?

Despite possessing considerable strength in his prime, he was barely even a Special Jonin anymore.

That wasn't only due to age, but also the absence of his left arm and eye.

In front of Sasuke's pursuit, he cowardly crawled backwards before miserably falling off the building.

It was an embarrassing situation, but he endured those emotions and faked a scream that seemed to be from fear.

He scrambled back to his feet before running pathetically behind him.

Sasuke didn't let up and jumped down to meet him.


Unfortunately, Danzo's crafty plan came to fruition whenever a stupid Sakura decided to try and help Sasuke capture the piteous looking elder.

He spun around to her back and pinched her neck.

Sasuke angrily marched forward ignoring the danger to his pink haired teammates life.

Ino blurted out, feeling worried and fearful for her friend.

"No! Sakura!"

Sakura trembled in fright.

She pleadingly begged the young Uchiha that was practically deciding her life.

"Sasuke, save m-"

The victorious and smug expression on Danzo's face froze.

Sasuke had an expression of pure contempt as he looked at him disgustedly, "Shut it worthless. Old man, don't think I'll let you off this easily."

He then gave a dark smile and said, "I promise you won't survive past today..."


Sakura's eyes enlarged as she released muffled cries from fear.

Reality finally sunk in that her dear crush, didn't return her feelings or care for her in anyway.

Danzo narrowed his eyes and passionately announced, "For this village, I would do any-"


He was interrupted by a stray kunai, that he easily dodged.

He was about to continue his speech but then what came out of his mouth was a guttural howl.

The elder released a cry from pain as he hopped backwards glaring at the sudden entrance of his new enemy.

Sakura dashed forward trying to escape that deathly feeling from earlier.

Almost as if dictated by fate, she tripped on a rock and fell into the arms of her crush.


She stared up at him dreamily revelling in how cool and handsome he was.

She totally forgot that he was ready to kill her just so he could achieve his goal.

Danzo glared at the last person, he thought he would have to fight.

His dead teacher, Tobirama Senju.

The Second Hokage said with complicated emotions. "Danzo, you have failed and twisted the Will of Fire to suit your own wretched goals and personal gain. You are no possessor of the Will of Fire."

Danzo fell into a trance.

I failed..?

How..?! Everything, I've done has been for Konoha!

This strength and power I've worked so hard to get... there is no way it was worth nothing in the end!

"I am not wrong! You just don't understand that with light comes a need for the darkness. I am that darkness! I, alone shoulder the burden of Konoha! I'm the one that has worked the hardest for this village!" His furious yelling showcased, just how heartbroken he was.

His teacher, the one who taught him the meaning behind shinobi.

How to manage Konoha and lead it to prosperity.

And most of all to protect the most valuable treasure in the world. The peace within Konoha...

Danzo formed multiple hand seals and shouted, "Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets!"

Sasuke reacted quickly and threw the extra baggage in his arms aside before Tobirama grabbed the two children and used Flying Thunder God.

"It's all you! Konoha wouldn't be like this without you! The old man is still Konoha's hero!"



Hiruzen summoned a giant fuma shuriken and sprinted towards Hachiro.

"Why do you go for me first? Almost like you have a grudge or something."

Hachiro playfully questioned him,

In response Hiruzen roared and threw the massive shuriken.


Midair, the projectile mulitipled in number before flying towards Hachiro like a rainstorm.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

Unfortunately, a wild Hinata wielding a tenseigan was standing right beside the target.

As such after a simple, "Shinra Tensei."

An invisible wave of force, mightily shoved the shuriken back to its sender with additional force.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she raised her other hand and pulled him closer and preventing him from being able to dodge.

"Banshō Ten'in."

Suddenly, trees emerged and accurately blocked the deadly projectiles.

Hiruzen smiled happily, until he heard the following words.

"Hiruzen, it seems that you've failed the village and the Will of Fire. You've went down the wrong path just like that boy called Danzo."

The dead, God of Shinobi, smiled bitterly.

Hiruzen stayed silent.

Hashirama certainly didn't want to kill him. He would have much rathered to re-educate him and correct his ways through patient teaching.

Unfortunately, he knew well, that the body he had been reincarnated into had its strength reduced by a large amount.

He wasn't a master of fuinjutsu and thus couldn't be certain that their was other limitations put on his current body.

He was personally hoping that he could convince the cloud shinobi that Hiruzen was no threat.

However, he looked at Izumi helplessly as she approached emitting a murderous aura.

"We can't expect God to do all the work. Can we?"

Hiruzen readied some smaller shuriken, and timed his throw to her jump.

He defiantly said to himself, "Don't expect me to lie down and wait for death!"

He wasn't that afraid of dying, but he wanted to die a hero's death.

One like his predecessor, Minato if he had a choice.

With renewed determination, he leapt towards Izumi and prepared to initiate a taijutsu battle.

Suddenly, he heard a report coming from a cloud Anbu.

"Lord Hachiro, we have spotted the Fire Daimyo and his entourage approaching in the distance.

Hiruzen grinned, it seemed god hadn't given up on him yet!

He changed his plan before jumping back.


His eyes visibly lit up.

It seemed God hadn't given up on him yet.

The Daimyo walked closer and looked towards Hachiro with a fawning smile, "I've got the necessary documents here. I hope my sincerity will make it through to you."

One of his guards stepped forward and held out a fancy looking box to the daimyo.


Hiruzen will be dead next chapter yay.