
Jun Qingyu was really a little frightened, he was a little awkward in Fu Yuanchuan's hands, and he didn't even move his tail.

Fu Yuanchuan looked at his brows furrowed, but didn't know how to coax the little mermaid.

Looking at the subordinates who were still smiling hippie on the opposite side of the ball communicator, Fu Yuanchuan said in a deep voice, "The barren star planting team lacks a leader, do you want to go?"

"What?!" The subordinate was dumbfounded.

Regardless of the opponent's reaction, Fu Yuanchuan held the little mermaid in one hand and cleaned up the mess on the table with the other.

Check the glass **** carefully to prevent the little mermaid from jumping out of the tank and scratching it.

The subordinate cried: "Boss, you can't do this to me!"

"Quiet, ready for a meeting."

The subordinates suddenly stopped crying and said solemnly: "Yes!"

Jun Qingyu lay on Fu Yuanchuan's hands honestly, helping to pick up the glass on the table and throw it into the trash can.

Fu Yuanchuan could not see some of the glass **** sliding under the shelf, but Jun Qingyu could see it clearly.

He was reaching for it.

As a result, before he had time to grasp the piece of glass **** inside, Fu Yuanchuan's two wrists were twisted.

Jun Qingyu was held by his hand and turned around, "Eh?"

"Don't touch this, be careful of scratches." Fu Yuanchuan rubbed his fingers across the little mermaid's palm and checked for injuries.

By the way, holding the little mermaid away from the desktop.

Jun Qingyu still wanted to help, but now he couldn't even touch the table.

"Hey!" Jun Qingyu raised his hand and asked him to see his hand carefully. It was not injured, not even scratched, and he picked it up very carefully.

Fu Yuanchuan coaxed: "Good."

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Communication failed.

The fish tank was broken, but Fu Yuanchuan also prepared a new one.

Before the meeting started, Fu Yuanchuan first made a scene for the fish tank.

They are all ready-made things, just put them in and adjust their positions.

The water is made of special powder for blending with seawater, just fill it with water.

Fu Yuanchuan put the little mermaid in and said, "Is the water temperature okay?"

"Hey." Jun Qingyu shook his tail.

Fu Yuanchuan handed him a small dried fish, raised his hand and turned on the projection screen.

After the connection, a long table appeared on the screen, and other subordinates were in their respective positions on the left and right of the long table.

Jun Qingyu felt the light, looked back, and saw that the people all over the screen bowed their heads, and their eyes were watching him at the same time.

Jun Qingyu: "...?"

"Really a mermaid? I thought I was wrong."

"Last time there was news that the Marshal brought back a little mermaid, I thought it was those old men who confuse us with the news. It turned out to be true."

"What a cute little guy, he looks pretty well-behaved."

These people should be Fu Yuanchuan's subordinates. There is very little description of them in the book, and only a few mentions are made.

Jun Qingyu only remembered that the war broke out after the soldier was lost. From then on, Fu Yuanchuan was the only one by himself.

If he guessed correctly, these people in front of him are likely to die in that war...

Jun Qingyu pursed his lips, and had to think of a way to bypass the plot.

While Jun Qingyu was pondering, a voice came from the other side, "If there is a little mermaid, will the marshal's illness be healed soon?"

of course!

Jun Qingyu smiled and waved at them, "Eh!"

Leave Marshal Fu's illness to me.

"Haha, are you saying hello to us?"

"So cute."

"..." It's not saying hello.

Jun Qingyu wanted to say something more, and Fu Yuanchuan put down his hand, blocking his vision.

At the same time, it also blocked the eyes of those opposite the video of the meeting.

"Boss, take your hand away and let me look at it a few more times. I haven't seen a pale golden mermaid yet."

Fu Yuanchuan said lightly: "Meeting."

The subordinates suddenly put out their playful thoughts, "Yes!"

Fu Yuanchuan looked at the little mermaid and said, "The meeting may take a long time. If I'm bored, I'll go to the swimming pool to play first, and I'll look for you after I finish the meeting."

Jun Qingyu didn't have any thoughts of playing, and all meetings were held. There must be something important. How could he not be there.

"Hey!" Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's hand, making it obvious that he wanted to stay.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "It will be boring."

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, dived and lay in the shell, if he was bored, he could sleep.

Seeing that the little mermaid really didn't want to go to the pool to play, Fu Yuanchuan said, "Then tell me if you want to go."

Jun Qingyu nodded, opened his mouth to talk, but vomited a bubble.

"Boom" is a response.

Fu Yuanchuan opened the drawer, picked a few more palatable snacks from it, and took some as if unpacking.

Snacks are placed on the platform external to the fish tank, and the little mermaid can get it when they want to eat and swim up.

After the preparations were done, Fu Yuanchuan rapped his fingertips and tapped on the tabletop, "Let's get started."


Jun Qingyu also calmed down and listened carefully.

Then I found...

Why can't he understand?

Why did he understand all those words, but he couldn't understand them after they were put together into a sentence?

Jun Qingyu blinked, at a loss.

Let's look at Fu Yuanchuan again. From time to time, he opened his mouth to give more efficient analysis, and he also sent back several plans.

Jun Qingyu pursed his lips. As expected, Fu Yuanchuan can handle such a difficult problem.

Jun Qingyu looked at Fu Yuanchuan with bright eyes, and before he could speak, there was an extra hand in front of him.

Fu Yuanchuan tapped the fish tank twice with his index finger, but there was no sound.

He was still explaining the pros and cons of document analysis, but his hand was on the glass and playing with the little mermaid.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while, and reached out to reach Fu Yuanchuan's fingertips.

Then, before he could touch it, his fingertips moved.

Jun Qingyu subconsciously followed the direction of the fingertips moving upstream, and then pressed the opponent!

The result was blank.

With his fingers circled on the glass, Jun Qingyu fished his tail and chased him up.

Turn up and down, left and right.

The little mermaid does not swim slowly, and can quickly catch up every time.

Finally, with a sudden finger upward stroke, Jun Qingyu jumped out of the water and hugged him.

The fingertips in his arms moved slightly, rubbed the corners of the eyebrows, wiped off the water drops on them, and by the way, straightened the broken hair between the foreheads behind the ears.

Jun Qingyu blinked, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he whispered: "Eh~ah~"

Fu Yuanchuan's serious and indifferent face quickly flashed a smile, he pulled out his fingers, and touched the little mermaid's hair with his fingertips.

He took the meat snack and fed it to the little mermaid's mouth.

Jun Qingyu took a bite, and the sweetness should be honey dried meat.

Not the dry one.

When he eats dried small fish, he always hugs him and eats it. If he hugs and eats this kind of dried meat, he might make his body full of juice.

Jun Qingyu planned to take a bite and not eat it, but Fu Yuanchuan held it like this and didn't let go.

It seems that I want to feed it to him.

Jun Qingyu lay on the side of the fish tank, holding Fu Yuanchuan's hand, eating a whole piece of dried meat.

Fu Yuanchuan wiped his hands and opened a small bottle of juice for it.

I just swallowed the dried meat in my mouth, and pressed a straw against my mouth.

Jun Qingyu took a sip of fruit and vegetable juice.

Jun Qingyu: "..."

The taste of fruits and vegetables is not good, and the taste of fruit and vegetable juice need not be described too much.

Jun Qingyu only drank that sip, and then no matter how Fu Yuanchuan chased and fed, he refused to drink it.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan put away the fruit and vegetable juice and gave him a piece of sugar.

It was a very small piece, and Jun Qingyu ate it just right.

The sweetness of fruit candy dispelled the strange smell of fruit and vegetable juice, Jun Qingyu shook his tail, propped himself on the platform next to the fish tank.

As soon as I sat firmly, I heard someone talking.

"Boss, your family is so quiet, have you blocked his mouth?"

Jun Qingyu: "?"

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Little fish is quieter."

Only speak when necessary.

"I don't believe it unless you show me."

Jun Qingyu took the initiative to stick out her head, "Eh~"

The other side of the video suddenly shouted.

Someone greeted Jun Qingyu: "Hey! Hello, little mermaid."

Jun Qingyu only showed his face before diving into the water again.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan said: "The meeting is over, go back and prepare."


"Don't worry~ Make sure to prepare properly."

Seeing that the Fu Yuanchuan meeting was over, Jun Qingyu rose to the surface, opened his arms and said, "Eh."

Although he didn't get along for a long time, Fu Yuanchuan could roughly guess what he meant from the actions of the little mermaid.

Fu Yuanchuan stretched out his hand.

Jun Qingyu supported his fingers and jumped up with the buoyancy of the water.

The wet tail will inevitably bring water to the hands.

Fu Yuanchuan did not dry the water on his hands.

Mermaid will be more comfortable in a humid environment.

Although the water is the best place for the little mermaid to stay for a long time, who makes his little fish like to nest in his hands.

Jun Qingyu put the fish tail on Fu Yuanchuan's wrist and checked his physical condition again.

However, when his spiritual power circulated and returned, Jun Qingyu was stunned.

The spiritual power he released into Fu Yuanchuan's body yesterday slowly disappeared.

The speed of disappearing is very slow, but it is obviously much less than when he checked last time.

How is this going?

Jun Qingyu pressed the corner of his mouth slightly, feeling that Fu Yuanchuan's illness seemed not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

There should be another hidden story.

Fu Yuanchuan sorted out the papers and went to the kitchen to prepare food for the little mermaid tomorrow.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "I'm going out early tomorrow morning. Someone will come and take care of you. It's the person you met in the meeting just now."

"Hey." Jun Qingyu wanted to say that he didn't need anyone to take care of him. Soaking himself in the water would consume a whole day.

Fu Yuanchuan put the food in the morning, midnight and evening on three plates separately, and put less fruits and vegetables, which the little mermaid didn't like to eat.

Jun Qingyu was not interested in food, he held Fu Yuanchuan's hand and concentrated on releasing his spiritual power.

It is necessary to replenish the lost spiritual power.

If Fu Yuanchuan goes out tomorrow, if he encounters a Zerg, he will have a higher chance of fighting.

There is spiritual power, even if Fu Yuanchuan is ill, spiritual power is enough to suppress the mental power of the riots, and it can be regarded as an added layer of protection for Fu Yuanchuan's safety.

Fu Yuanchuan prepared the food for the next day and was about to say something.

When he saw the little mermaid in his palm, he was shocked.

The small one was curled up in his palm, the fishtail shrugged on one side, and it rubbed his wrist from time to time.

Such a little mermaid looks very good.

Perceiving Fu Yuanchuan's gaze, Jun Qingyu raised his head and glanced at him, "Eh?"

what's wrong?