
Fu Yuanchuan gently touched the little mermaid's tail with his fingers, and asked him, "Would you like a bite?"

Looking at the small tomato in Fu Yuanchuan's hand, Jun Qingyu decisively rolled over and lay on his palm.

He really can't eat the fruits and vegetables of the interstellar, the taste is too strange.

There is no need to shake your head and nod, the meaning of rejection is already very obvious.

Upon seeing this, Fu Yuanchuan had to put the tomatoes back on the plate. Everything was prepared and packed and put in the refrigerator.

Finally, after tidying up the kitchen things, Fu Yuanchuan returned to the study with the little mermaid.

Jun Qingyu was put back into the fish tank.

Fu Yuanchuan did not go to rest, but sat at the table to deal with official duties.

Looking at Fu Yuanchuan at work, Jun Qingyu tilted his head, isn't he going out tomorrow morning?

It was dark outside after the meeting, and I was busy working in the kitchen for a long time. It was definitely late.

Why don't you go to bed after reading the files?

Not getting enough sleep even reduces the body's immunity, and going out tomorrow will be more dangerous to the Zerg.

Jun Qingyu patted the wall of the fish tank and made a sound, "Eh!"

Hearing the sound, Fu Yuanchuan put down the file and walked over, looking at the little mermaid who looked a little anxious. He felt nervous and thought something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

Jun Qingyu pointed to the bed not far away, "Eh."

Fu Yuanchuan thought that the little mermaid wanted to go there, but he picked up the fish tank and walked for two steps before reacting and asking, "Do you want me to go to sleep?"

Jun Qingyu nodded, and pointed to the window again.

It's getting dark outside and still not sleeping?

Fu Yuanchuan touched the little mermaid's head, thinking about some of the newly sent documents, and coaxed: "Shall I go to sleep after reading the remaining documents?"

Jun Qingyu hugged Fu Yuanchuan's hand, rubbed his finger, pressed his cheek on it, and looked up at Fu Yuanchuan.

Don't speak, don't bark.

Quietly, nothing happened.

Just a pair of beautiful wet eyes staring at him grievously.


He should refuse sternly, and then sit back at his desk to deal with official duties.

But meeting these eyes, the words of refusal whirled round and round, and he couldn't make up his mind to say it.

Marshal Fu, who had retreated countless numbers of enemies on the battlefield, couldn't resist.

The little mermaid watched like this, without saying anything, so that Fu Yuanchuan could not refuse any of his requests.

Fu Yuanchuan sighed and said in compromise: "I'm going to sleep now."

"Hey." When the goal was achieved, Jun Qingyu let go of his hand, sank under the fish tank and made a circle.

A water mark is drawn on the tip of the translucent fish tail, which is extremely beautiful.

The little mermaid under the water spit out a bunch of small bubbles, turned around and opened the shell bed to lie in.


Good night.

Seeing that the little mermaid seemed to be sleeping, Fu Yuanchuan said, "Good night."

Then seeing the shells close, Fu Yuanchuan walked to the desk and separated the processed documents from the unprocessed ones, and first washed and rested.

I plan to get up early tomorrow to deal with it.

Through the gaps in the shells, Jun Qingyu waited for Fu Yuanchuan to lie down and turn off the lights before lying back on his soft cushion.

After a while, there was only a shallow and steady breathing in the room.


Early the next morning.

Fu Yuanchuan was still asleep, and Jun Qingyu was already awake.

He remembered that Fu Yuanchuan was going out this morning, so he kept reminding himself not to sleep too much.

I opened my eyes and saw that the time was just right. Fu Yuanchuan hadn't left yet, and the sky outside was just getting bright.

Fu Yuanchuan moved the fish tank to the bedside table before going to bed last night.

The height of the table and the bed are on the same plane.

Jun Qingyu was supporting the edge of the fish tank, but it was a little higher than the bed.

Jun Qingyu lowered his chin with one hand and looked at Fu Yuanchuan with his head tilted, wondering when he would wake up.

Fu Yuanchuan did not say a specific time yesterday.

I should wake up in a while.

However, until the outside door bell rang, Fu Yuanchuan didn't mean to be sober.

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows, feeling that it should be related to his spiritual power.

Yesterday Fu Yuanchuan slept less, and he added some spiritual power before going to bed. It should be the spiritual power that played a role, soothing the restless mental power, and when the tight nerves relax, they will naturally sleep a little deeper.


Fu Yuanchuan is not awake, who is going to open the door?

Jun Qingyu looked down at his tail, and then at the closed door of the study.

Not to mention going outside to open the door, he couldn't even get out of the study.

Now I can only think of a way to wake up Fu Yuanchuan.

The knock on the door did not wake Fu Yuanchuan, and Jun Qingyu could only come by himself, "Eh!"

be quiet.


Still quiet.

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Unable to wake up, Jun Qingyu could only jump out of the fish tank.

Fortunately, the fish tank is placed on the edge of the table, which is also closer to the bed.

Jun Qingyu jumped to the next step.

The sound of 'poof' landed directly on the soft pillow on one side.

The water brought out instantly wetted the sheets and pillows.

Jun Qingyu lay on the pillow, and Fu Yuanchuan's profile face was close at hand.

"Hey." Jun Qingyu stretched out his hand and pushed him. Someone came, so he woke up soon.

If no one opened the door, they thought it would be bad for the people inside to break in in danger.

Perceiving the movement, Fu Yuanchuan turned over and lay on his side facing Jun Qingyu. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the little mermaid's head and said vaguely, "Goodbye."

With one hand, Jun Qingyu was directly buckled underneath.

Jun Qingyu pushed his hand, "Eh?"

Fu Yuanchuan, who realized that something was wrong, was taken aback for a moment. After opening his eyes, he saw a few strands of pale blond hair from the gap between his hand and the pillow.

Slowly raising his hand, the little mermaid inside smiled at him.

Jun Qingyu: "Eh!" You can be considered awake.

Early in the morning.

This laugh seems to affect the vitality of the whole body.

Fu Yuanchuan held up the little mermaid and asked, "Why did you come down?"

"Hey." Jun Qingyu pointed to the door, and someone was knocking on the door.

Fu Yuanchuan opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with little mermaids. Only then did he realize that there was a knock on the door outside.

He got up, put on a dress, and walked out holding the little mermaid.

When I walked to the door, the knock on the door was gone, instead it was replaced by a squeaky...prying door.

Fu Yuanchuan opened the door and saw his subordinates squatting at the door of his house prying the door.

"Boss, you're okay." Seeing that the door opened, Shi Kaixin immediately felt relieved, "You haven't opened the door for so long, and I turned your brain off and turned it off. I thought something happened to you."

"come in."

At a glance, Jun Qingyu recognized this person as the one who suddenly appeared in the crystal ball yesterday and startled him.

When he broke something, Jun Qingyu lay on Fu Yuanchuan's palm and turned around, not wanting to look at him.

Although the crystal ball could still be used, it was completely shattered inside. To avoid sudden explosion and injury when used later, Fu Yuanchuan threw it away.

The communication crystal ball looks very expensive.

And there are newly bought fish tanks.

Shi Kaixin is part of the responsibility for his sabotage.

Shi Kaixin looked at the pale golden little mermaid in Fu Yuanchuan's hands and itchy hands, "Boss, if you want me to protect the little mermaid, do you have to give him to me first and let me cultivate a relationship with him? Huh?"

Jun Qingyu raised his head and stared at him, dreaming!

Shi Kaixin has never seen a mermaid with such a rich expression. He is curious, "Hey, boss, your family stares at me, does he hold grudges?"

"Don't make trouble with him." Fu Yuanchuan touched the little mermaid's head to comfort him. Shi Kaixin was the one with the strongest comprehensive ability of all, and he was more at ease to stay to protect the little mermaid.

"Here is his food today, you remember to give it on time." After a pause, considering the little mermaid's hostility to Shi Kaixin, he said: "Just put it on the platform that comes with the fish tank, and he will eat it himself. "

Shi Kaixin said: "Okay, don't worry, I will never sneak a little mermaid while feeding."

Jun Qingyu shook his tail, and interrupted your hand sneakily.

Fu Yuanchuan explained some other precautions, and finally said: "The safety of the mermaid is the most important thing in everything, understand?"

Shi Kaixin was taken aback, this means...

Shi Kaixin condensed his face and nodded, "Yes!"

After explaining these trivial matters, time is almost there.

Jun Qingyu was lying in Fu Yuanchuan's hands, and had an inexplicable urge to go with him.

But can't go together...

He is too young to help, and maybe Fu Yuanchuan has to spare his energy to protect him.

It will be troublesome.

However, wait until he grows up.

Interstellar mermaid can grow up. As they grow up, the scales of the fish's tail will become harder and harder and stronger.

It is said that an adult mermaid can smash the hardest steel with one tail.

Thinking of the combat power he might have in the future, Jun Qingyu held Fu Yuanchuan's fingers and raised his head and said, "Eh!"

When I grow up, I will protect you!

"Good." Fu Yuanchuan gently moved the little mermaid to straighten her hair, and said, "Wait at home and wait for me to return."


Jun Qingyu changed his posture, sat on Fu Yuanchuan's palm, and raised his hands towards him.

In the past, this action meant to hug, but now I have hugged, then...

Fu Yuanchuan raised his hand suspiciously, is that right?

He was still considering the meaning of the little mermaid's action.

With this height, Jun Qingyu stretched out his hands and lay on Fu Yuanchuan's face like a hug, and kissed gently.


Pay attention to safety and protect yourself.

Fu Yuanchuan had no reaction at all.

The little mermaid never kissed him again, except for the kiss that passed his fingertips when he was at the mermaid breeding base.

But this time... it's not about kissing fingers, but...

Fu Yuanchuan felt warm in his heart, and the little mermaid squatted on the palm of his hand, as cute and cute as ever.

Fu Yuanchuan said softly, "I will bring you some delicious food."

With that said, some reluctance to put the little mermaid in the fish tank in the living room.

So that he could see the little mermaid the first time he came back.

After setting up the little mermaid, Fu Yuanchuan got up and said, "If there is anything wrong with the mermaid, please contact me immediately."

Shi Kaixin patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely take care of you properly."

Jun Qingyu also waved in the fish tank, "Eh~!"

come back earlier!

Fu Yuanchuan looked at the little mermaid's eyes with an extraordinarily gentle expression and a slight smile on his face. He said, "See you tonight."