Chapter 49

Shi Kaixin: "???"

Me, this, what? !

Shi Kaixin widened his eyes in astonishment, his lips moved but he couldn't speak.

Isn't it? Isn't it?

Isn't it what I think it is?

"You...huh?" Shi Kaixin's current mind is like a volcanic eruption caused by a planet hitting the empire, which is not good.

"Wait." After calming down for a while, Shi Kaixin asked in a daze, "Isn't the marshal chasing you now?"

Jun Qingyu tore open the tea bag, added a little hot water, then poured out the first tea wash, and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think..." Shi Kaixin scratched his head, not even thinking about it.

Before he could think clearly, Fu Yuanchuan pushed the door in.

Shi Kaixin stood up quickly, "Marshal."


After looking at Fu Yuanchuan and then at Jun Qingyu who was making tea, Shi Kaixin thought for a while and said, "Marshal, I will leave if there is nothing else."

"Let's go back."

"Good!" After getting permission, Shi Kaixin opened the door and ran away without hesitation.

Jun Qingyu came over with the brewed tea and said with a smile: "It says on the package that this tea sleeps well. I smell like it is no different from ordinary tea. How do you taste it."

Fu Yuanchuan took the tea but didn't drink it. Instead, he asked, "Why didn't you go to bed?"

"I don't want to sleep by myself." Jun Qingyu leaned forward to hug Fu Yuanchuan, tilted his head and said: "Let's rest here, and we will go back when we wake up."

Not only is it to run too late now, but also to prevent another incident here. If they are here, if something happens, they will run again.

Fu Yuanchuan said softly: "Okay."

Busy till now, it's not late at night anymore, the day outside is bright.

How long he was busy, Xiaoyu stayed with him for how long.

Fu Yuanchuan hugged the fish and coaxed, "Go to sleep."

Jun Qingyu rubbed Fu Yuanchuan's arms, gently spreading out some spiritual power, so that Fu Yuanchuan could sleep more comfortably.


He slept so late that he slept straight to the next day. When he woke up early in the morning, Fu Yuanchuan thought he had read the wrong time.

Even if he stayed up late in the past, he wouldn't sleep as long as this time.

The little fish in his arms slept very deeply, and Fu Yuanchuan looked down at him.

Unconscious sleep will also rub in his arms.

The well-behaved is the same as the little mermaid.

His gaze swept across Xiaoyu's face, and he unconsciously fell on his thin, light-colored lips.

Fu Yuanchuan's expression was dim, and at this moment, Jun Qingyu mumbled something, turned over and squeezed over here, and put his chin on Fu Yuanchuan's shoulder in a daze.

The breath brushed his neck, and Fu Yuanchuan stiffened, and slowly leaned to one side, but he did not dare to move his hands, for fear of awakening the sleeping fish.

Fu Yuanchuan lay flat and closed his eyes, the sound of rapid heartbeat lingering in his ears.

He just likes to be intimate with you, what are you thinking about?

Fu Yuanchuan's brows were tightly locked, and his mind was numb.

Fu Yuanchuan, who was indifferent and calm, was completely messed up at the moment.

He thought...When Xiaoyu wakes up, he must be told seriously that this is wrong.

Can't let the little fish coquettishly prevaricate.

It can't be like this anymore.

When Jun Qingyu woke up, Fu Yuanchuan didn't notice it.

But Jun Qingyu felt a little strange looking at Fu Yuanchuan like this. He raised his hand and poked Fu Yuanchuan in the cheek, "What's wrong with you?"

It doesn't seem to be sleeping, but closing his eyes while lying down like this always gives people a feeling of nervousness.

Fu Yuanchuan opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the innocent little fish. He coughed slightly, "You are awake."

"Yeah." Jun Qingyu sat up and asked, "Are you not feeling well?"

Fu Yuanchuan shook his head. Just as he was about to say something, there was a basic knock on the door.

"Marshal! Marshal! Yu Zhi is back!"

Hearing Shi Kaixin's voice, Fu Yuanchuan ignored him and planned to say to Xiaoyu first: "I..."

"Marshal! Open the door, Marshal!"




Several times he opened his mouth but was blocked by Shi Kaixin's magic sound outside the door.

Jun Qingyu smiled and touched Fu Yuanchuan's head, "Go wash first."

Fu Yuanchuan replied helplessly: "Yeah."

Shi Kaixin was still knocking on the door outside.

Fu Yuanchuan changed his clothes and came out, Shi Kaixin's voice was still outside.

At that moment, Fu Yuanchuan had helped him choose the planet for his business trip, "Yuanchuan, you taste this candy, it's delicious."

Xiaoyu's words disrupted his thoughts, looking sideways, Xiaoyu brought the half-bitten gummy candy to his mouth.

Facing Xiaoyu's bright eyes, Fu Yuanchuan swallowed what he wanted to say again, biting the half of the candy, "Where is the candy?"

Jun Qingyu said: "It was in the dessert that Shi Kaixin bought yesterday."

Jun Qingyu bends his eyes, "Is it delicious? There is still inside."

"It's delicious." Fu Yuanchuan took the sugar paper and threw it away, "Don't eat too many sweets in the morning, it's not good for your teeth."

Jun Qingyu took apart another piece of candy, "It's okay. Children will only break their teeth if they eat candy. I'm an adult, so there will be no problem."

Fu Yuanchuan raised his eyebrows, obviously disagreeing with this point of view, although the mermaid's age is converted, Xiaoyu has indeed become an adult.

The sugar was already in his mouth, and Fu Yuanchuan could only say: "This is the last piece."

Jun Qingyu nodded obediently.

Opening the door, Shi Kaixin screamed, "Marshal, you finally woke up!"

Fu Yuanchuan: "..."

Jun Qingyu chewed the candy silently, feeling that Shi Kaixin's personality was very happy and a little unconscionable, but sometimes he was very serious in doing things, and it was hard to imagine that someone would combine the opposite characters so well.

Shi Kaixin said cheerfully: "Yu Zhi is back. The mission went smoothly. He was accidentally shaken by the drug and went back to sleep. Let me help send the report."

After knocking on the door for a long time and handing the things to Fu Yuanchuan, Shi Kaixin turned and left.

This morning...

Thinking that Fu Yuanchuan was interrupted by the voice outside the door several times, Jun Qingyu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Fu Yuanchuan was not in a hurry to open the report. He was thinking about buying some food for Xiaoyu first, but he turned his head and saw him laughing. Fu Yuanchuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Jun Qingyu asked him: "Is there nothing to be busy today?"

Fu Yuanchuan said: "It's almost done."

Those who were punished by the gravity room will not be released for a while, and they will be transferred directly to the confinement room to wait when they are released.

The major issues are basically handled, and the remaining scattered and trivial matters are left to Shi Kaixin.

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while and said, "Let the meal be delivered downstairs. Let's go home after eating here."

It will be very slow to go back and do it again.

Jun Qingyu has no opinion, just listen to Fu Yuanchuan's arrangement.

When ordering, Fu Yuanchuan only ordered a few vegetables.

If you eat outside, you can only eat more meat. The taste of green vegetables is not very good. Little fish doesn't like the taste of these vegetables.

When waiting for the takeaway, Jun Yingyu had two bites of cake.

Although it was left over from yesterday, there is not much change in taste, and it tastes like fresh.

While eating, Shi Kaixin's voice came from outside, "Marshal! It's not good!"

Jun Qingyu raised his eyebrows. Why did this talent come back not long after he left?

Opening the door to let people in, Shi Kaixin rushed in, hugging a ball of clothes.

Jun Qingyu asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

Shi Kaixin put the clothes on the table and slowly opened the outer layer, which also covered the inner layer.

Several layers of coats were taken apart, finally revealing a white egg that was about two or three times larger than the egg inside.

"Yu Zhi brought it back." Shi Kaixin wiped the outside of the egg with a paper towel and said, "I think it might be a mermaid egg."

There is a self-protective membrane in this egg, and no instrument can see through this membrane to see what is inside.

But just by looking at the appearance, they are similar to the mermaid eggs on display at the Mermaid Base, except for the difference between shelled and unbroken.

But whether it is a mermaid egg or not is not distinguished by eyes.

Fu Yuanchuan asked: "Have you sent it to the mermaid breeding base for inspection?"

Although Shi Kaixin looked ridiculous, he was still very reliable.

He said: "I scraped some skin and asked someone to send it there. I have to wait until tomorrow to get the result. I don't know what to do with this egg now, so I sent it to the marshal."

Before Yu Zhi came back and fell asleep, he pointed to his clothes for a long time. Shi Kaixin was stunned that he didn't understand what it meant, but thought it was Yu Zhi who wanted him to help hang up the clothes.

After I handed in the report and went back, I thought about helping him hang up his clothes. As a result, the egg fell off as soon as the clothes were unfolded.

If it weren't for his quick eyes and quick hands, the egg would have fallen to the ground.

At such a high distance, no matter how the mermaid egg fell, it would have to be shaken all at once, and it was doubtful whether it would survive.

Mermaid eggs are not so easy to raise, and they can easily cause trouble if they are not taken care of.

If it is not a mermaid egg after the inspection of the mermaid base, it is just an ordinary egg, then he can barely take care of it, maybe he can hatch if he is lucky.

But if it is found to be a mermaid, he will throw the mermaid egg casually. If the fragile mermaid dies in the egg, he will be held accountable.

After thinking about it, Shi Kaixin decided to talk to the marshal about the existence of this egg.

Could it be a mermaid egg?

Jun Qingyu reached out and touched it, as if he looked a lot like a mermaid egg.

Quietly release a little spiritual power, stick your fingertips on this egg, and there will be feedback of spiritual resonance.

But it feels a bit strange.

Jun Qingyu didn't know what other mermaid's spiritual powers were, but now, the probability that this egg is a mermaid egg would be higher.

Shi Kaixin sighed, "I don't know where Yu Zhi got it from. You can complete the task after you complete the task. He also brought an egg back. Now I don't know how to deal with it."

The Mermaid Breeding Center does not accept foreign mermaid eggs. Regardless of whether this is a mermaid egg in the end, there is no place for reasonable placement.

Shi Kaixin asked tentatively: "Marshal, or put this egg here first."

Fu Yuanchuan glanced at the little mermaid, "No, take it back."

Shi Kaixin looked at the mermaid egg, worried, and said: "I'm afraid of slipping my hands and accidentally breaking it when I hold it. I was frightened when holding it with so many layers."

Fu Yuanchuan said: "The shell of a mermaid egg is very hard." You can't break it by breaking it.

Eggs that can be equated with hardness are still relatively rare.

Jun Qingyu tried to order this egg with his hand, and it felt very thick indeed, much harder than ordinary eggs.

As I was thinking, I suddenly heard a sound: 'Ka...'

In the next moment, the egg began to crack around from the position Jun Qingyu had touched.

With a breath of restless mental energy, he rushed towards his face.

Jun Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, this breath was full of malice.

"Be careful!" Without waiting for the contents of the egg to crawl out, Fu Yuanchuan flew the egg away, blocking Jun Qingyu behind him.

The cracked egg fell on the ground, and the eggshell fell all over the ground, but it was not a little mermaid who crawled out of it, but a dark zerg covered in sticky liquid.