Chapter 50

Jun Qingyu thought for a while and said, "Let's go take a look too."

"Interested in that insect egg?"

Jun Qingyu was stunned for a moment, "Do you know what?" He sat back again. Judging from Fu Yuanchuan's calm attitude, he should have known some news.

"I also just figured out that the mermaid breeding base is in a third party and does not oppose any direction. It has its own set of rules for doing things."

Fu Yuanchuan said: "The rule of not accepting foreign fish eggs is not available before."

But how long ago it was, he didn't have any impression, "I will ask Shi Kaixin to check when this rule came out."

Jun Qingyu nodded, so that he could know when the mermaid breeding base knew that the problematic egg appeared.

Jun Qingyu also couldn't understand, "But if someone knows that there will be Zerg in the mermaid egg, why didn't they announce the news?"

Although there are few wild mermaid eggs outside, it doesn't mean that they don't. In case they are hatched as adult fish by others, it would be a shame to come out.

Fu Yuanchuan said lightly: "Neutral."

Jun Qingyu: "...?"

This is already neutral but it is biased towards the leader of the empire.

It seems that the people behind this mermaid breeding base are not so stable.

Anyway, if the matter is not exposed, he will not be guilty of any side, and he will be a puppet.

While talking, the front desk downstairs brought food up.

Fu Yuanchuan said: "Let's eat first, Yu Zhi will still have a while to wake up."

Jun Qingyu's thoughts were all on the egg. He took a bite of the barbecue and thought about the use of the egg while eating.

Although it is a dead egg, if it is operated properly, it may be a good bargaining chip to check and balance the breeding base of mermaid.

If the mermaid breeding base really favors the leaders of the empire, the necessary preparations are still needed.

Jun Qingyu gave him a piece of beef tenderloin and asked, "Yuanchuan, what do you plan to do with that egg?"

"Do you want?" Fu Yuanchuan could easily guess Xiaoyu's thoughts without having to say anything more from Jun Qingyu.

Jun Qingyu smiled, "Then you give it?"

"Yes, of course." There are many things that can extend from the egg, and there are many of them involved, but Xiaoyu wants it, so naturally give it to him first.

Fu Yuanchuan answered so surely that Jun Qingyu couldn't help but bend his eyes, "Don't you ask me what I am coming for?"


"you are the best."


After eating, Jun Qingyu went to Shi Kaixin to get the worm eggs.

Fu Yuanchuan thought for a while and didn't go with him, "The lounge is on the seventh floor. Just contact him at that time. I'll get something. When you get the egg back, let's go home."

"Okay." Jun Qingyu obediently responded, approached and kissed him, waved, "Let's go."

Fu Yuanchuan had a meal, remembering that he had forgotten to tell Xiaoyu that it was wrong.

But just dumbfounded, Xiaoyu had already gone out.

Fu Yuanchuan shook his head, next time, next time.

When Jun Qingyu left the house, he sent a message to Shi Kaixin, but no one responded, so he probably didn't see it.

There are a lot of people on the seventh floor, which is a bit messy compared to the upper floor.

When Jun Qingyu checked the worm egg before, he used some spiritual power, and there was a mark, so he directly looked for it.

"Huh? Why are you here, isn't the marshal with you?"

When I heard it, I knew that Shi Kaixin hadn't looked at his brain.

Jun Qingyu said: "I'll get the worm eggs."

"Insect eggs? Why do you want that stuff?" When asked, Shi Kaixin turned his head and said: "Come in first, I'll get it for you."

In the double dormitory, Yu Zhi was already awake, and there was no doubt on his face when he saw Jun Qingyu coming in.

Jun Qingyu understands that this person is also a member of the Shi Kaixin group.

Considering that Yu Zhi's coma was also the reason for the mission, Jun Qingyu stood aside, released some aura without being noticed, and helped him check it.

Fortunately, it was simply drugged, and nothing else.

Shi Kaixin brought a bag, it would be more convenient to pack it, "I put the worm egg in it."

"Okay." Jun Qingyu didn't rush away after receiving the worm egg, but asked: "Where did you get this worm egg? Can there be more?"

When Shi Kaixin heard this, he looked at Yu Zhi, and this question was obviously not for him.

Yu Zhi shook his head, "It's also a coincidence that I can get it. There are a lot of eggs, but each egg has a special record. I was the dead egg that was taken out and destroyed. I took it out from the place where it was destroyed."

If it were not destroyed to half, the shell of the egg would not be so fragile.

"Where did you see a lot of eggs?"

Yu Zhi said: "There is a dark room where the old man lives." The original goal was data, but when he encountered it by accident, he simply took it back with the egg.

Jun Qingyu nodded, "Thank you very much."

Yu Zhi smiled and said, "No thanks, I should do it."

Jun Qingyu felt that Yu Zhi's attitude was a little strange, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at Shi Kaixin.

Shi Kaixin looked foolishly at the ceiling.

I am not, I don't, I don't know anything, don't ask me.

My mouth is strict and I don't say anything.

Shi Kaixin was guilty of being seen by Jun Qingyu, and decisively changed the subject and asked: "Oh, that's right, why didn't the Marshal come down with you?"

"He said that there is something to deal with, let me come over to get the insect eggs first." Jun Qingyu glanced at the insect eggs in the bag, looking a bit like a quail nesting in half of the eggshell.

Shi Kaixin nodded, "It should be the finishing touch."

Jun Qingyu was taken aback for a moment, "What is the finishing touch?"

"The marshal does not come here often. Every time he leaves, he will clear the files, destroy the paper files, and some monitoring data, audio records, etc., delete the ones that should be deleted, and save the useful ones in the cloud."

"No information will be left here."

I don't come often, and no one but Fu Yuanchuan can enter the office. Once I lose something, it doesn't matter when I will find out.

So every time he left, Fu Yuanchuan would clean it up completely, leaving no information behind.

Although it is troublesome, it is undoubtedly a good job to keep the information confidential.

Jun Qingyu nodded, "Leave."


When Jun Qingyu returned, Fu Yuanchuan hadn't finished it yet.

"What are you doing?" Jun Qingyu walked over and watched, as if flipping through the video frame by frame.

"Right monitor." Fu Yuanchuan slid the progress bar back a bit and said, "The number of files does not match."

The monitoring is on the desktop, and the files are scattered, to ensure that every copy is under the monitoring.

But Fu Yuanchuan was right twice, and one was missing.

Jun Qingyu was taken aback, "...monitoring?"

He walked around to see that the surveillance did not capture anyone. There were only files in the camera, but he didn't know if any sound was recorded.

"Yeah." Fu Yuanchuan gave him a piece of candy, "Wait a little longer, it will be fine soon."

Jun Qingyu looked at the progress bar that was moving backwards a little bit, and thought for a while and said: "Yu Zhi is awake, do you have anything to ask him? Or I will help you with the file, you go to Yu Zhi first ?"

"Don't ask, the report says it all."

"Um...what about bug eggs?"

"It's also written." Fu Yuanchuan pulled out the document, "If you are interested, you can take a look."

Jun Qingyu: "..."

Holding this document, Jun Qingyu pursed his lips, feeling that the progress bar is even further behind.

In terms of time, it won't be long before he talks to Shi Kaixin.

Jun Qingyu didn't remember any documents, he only remembered that the documents were all sorted into a pile of colorless clips.

Nothing else moved.

Naturally, I don't know which number is wrong.

Jun Qingyu thought for a while and said, "I'll help you find it. I have sorted out the files on the table. I should have an impression after reading it."

"It's okay, there is cake on the table, eat a piece and wait a while, I'll be fine soon."

"But my words..." Before Jun Qingyu finished speaking, Fu Yuanchuan's brain rang, and he quickly said: "Go ahead, I'll help you find it."

Fu Yuanchuan glanced at the caller ID on Guangnao, got up and touched his head, "I'll go downstairs."

"Go go." Jun Qingyu was still struggling with what to do, but now that Fu Yuanchuan is going downstairs, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

After Fu Yuanchuan left, Jun Qingyu hurriedly sat in front of the computer and quickly jumped to the time he was talking to Shi Kaixin with a few clicks.

Because it was early morning and there was a sound, this place was marked red.

If you delete too much, you may not be able to catch it. To avoid the problem when you listen to it, Jun Qingyu did not delete it before, only deleted the paragraph that contains "Shi Kaixin's happiness, and he said that Shi Kaixin will come back happy soon" .

Then I followed it twice, and I was able to connect even if I heard it, but I couldn't notice the problem.

After it was set up, Fu Yuanchuan had already returned from his busy schedule before Jun Qingyu could do anything else.

Jun Qingyu glanced, Fu Yuanchuan was holding a large box, "Is it an express delivery?"

"Ice cream." Fu Yuanchuan put the box aside, walked to Jun Qingyu and asked him, "What are you doing?"

"For the file, I want to try to find it."

Fu Yuanchuan asked, "Did you find it?"

Jun Qingyu shook his head, "No." To be precise, he hadn't had time to find it.

Fu Yuanchuan didn't speak any more, Jun Qingyu vaguely felt something was wrong, he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Xiaoyu, did you know that the security protection in this office is the highest level."

"I know." You can see it when you enter your identity information before, but...what do you say this time?

Fu Yuanchuan nodded and continued: "The surveillance video is facing all important files. In order to prevent someone from coming in and stealing the files and deleting the surveillance information, the surveillance video has a protective measure."

Jun Qingyu had a meal in his heart, with a somewhat unpleasant premonition, "...what protective measures?"

"The deleted clip will be sent to my optical brain at the same time as it is deleted."


Jun Qingyu stood up instantly, but before he could leave between the table and the chair, he was caught by Fu Yuanchuan.


In a hurry, before the words could be finished, Jun Qingyu was taken back to the chair.

Fu Yuanchuan leaned strongly in front of him, supporting the two handrails with both hands, firmly controlling the people within his range.

Fu Yuanchuan slowly leaned over and approached, and whispered, "Explain?"

Jun Qingyu blinked his eyes lightly. The distance was very close. He could even hear Fu Yuanchuan's heartbeat while breathing.

Fu Yuanchuan was far less calm than it seemed on the surface.

Realizing Fu Yuanchuan's nervousness, Jun Qingyu calmed down instead. He raised his head and stared at Fu Yuanchuan without avoiding it. "If you explain... how about this?"


Jun Qingyu leaned in quickly, dropped a soft kiss on his lips, looked at Fu Yuanchuan who was stunned, and smiled on his face, "Is this an explanation?"