2. First quest

Chapter 2 : First Quest

[Ding! Quest Received :

Core Formation :

Form your core, stop complaining and do it, the method is already in your head.

Time limit : 15 days

Rewards : Unknown

Punishment for failure : System will abandon you


With nothing to do, and finding the method to form his core really in his head, Malik, a person with no knowledge outside of the books he read and games he played, started to stimulate the excessive mana in his surrounding and attract it to his heart, apparently the location the core should be formed.

Even before his core even formed, the moment the pure mana entered the area near his heart, Malik felt refreshed, and felt that the blood his heart was pumping was of purer and better quality.

With a bit of mana already gathered in his heart, he could send that mana out of his body, and use it to attract even more mana back.

Gather mana in the heart, send it to bring back more mana, and repeat. Again and again. That was what the half-asleep Malik did day to day for the next 5 days.

One last time, sending all the mana he gathered, he used it to attract a larger amount of mana back. At that moment, Malik felt the amount was finally enough.

Using all that mana he gathered, he started swirling it in his heart in a certain pattern, finally, after the 9th cycle was complete, he gathered all the mana in the center and pressured them all together.

The mana gathered formed a circle that kept getting smaller and smaller, denser and more concentrated. Until finally, it reached what could be called : a "Mana Core"

[Ding! Quest "Core Formation" Complete

You have successfully taken your first step onto the path of a mage by building your core. Congrats!

Rewards :

-5 random tier 0 magic spells

-3 random tier 1 magic spells

-random tier 2 magic spell

- secret-silver rank staff

-5 basic healing potions

-5 basic mana recovery potions

- 10 system points(SP)

Starting draw of random tier 0 skills :

please choose 5 of these golden cards

draw after draw, and so on...

In the end, the tier 0 spells Malik got were as follows : Basic telekinesis - fire ball - ice wall - dark arrow - Basic levitate

while the 3 tier 1 spells he got were : Lightning strike - Poison bomb - Summon ice spirit

finally the tier 2 spell Malik got was actually probably the greatest tier 2 spell he could possibly get, a spell capable of rivaling mid-rank tier 3 spells : Large scale Info planting

Info planting was a great spell because it was almost similar to mind control, but on a weaker level. The spell user, in this case Malik would be capable of planting whatever info he wants in the mind of whomever he wants, but large scale info planting was even greater, it was like one of those crowd control skills. Info could be planted into the minds of up to 500 people at same time, as long as these people weren't more than 10 kilometers away. Of course the skill would grow stronger the more it levels up. If as a level 1 spell it was already this strong, one could imagine how strong it would be once it reaches level 10 or level 50.

With nothing to do and a year long journey ahead, Malik had practically nothing (other than absorbing mana) to do. So, as he was going through the information and novels he read, an idea popped into his mind. Malik, the current and previous body are both teenagers, filled with hormones, and so, practically fulfilling the wet dream of all teenagers, Malik started casting the large scale info planting spell.

The casting time was around 5 long minutes, but he practically had all the time in the world. He first planted in the nearest 500 peoples brains that he(Malik) was their king, and they would follow all his orders no matter what, they would never rebel against him and would forever obey his every command.

After the spell was successfully cast, Malik was exhausted, even as a tier 1, using one tier 2 spell was enough to exhaust him fully. But his work was not without reward, as he successfully casted a spell of a higher rank, he got more skill proficiency. Proficiency was what allowed skills to level up. On another note, Malik got a secret-silver ranked staff, the system explained to him that items were ranked into different levels, in increasing order they were as follows : Trash - Common - Bronze - Mysterious-Iron - Secret-silver - Fine-Gold - Dark-gold - Epic - ??? - ??? - [1]

As a primitive planet, the best equipment one would find the in undeveloped aqua would be at best Fine-gold rank, but these were as rare as phoenix feathers as well, only owned by extremely large empires and the strongest of individuals on this planet (Tier 3 experts)

Although Aqua was extremely primitive, it was also extremely large, almost 20 times the size of the earth. That was simply huge! Even the smallest continent on this planet was almost twice the size of Asia!! Aqua had 13 continents, the largest one being Frehnia, which by itself was around twice the size of the whole Earth!!! The planet's water to land ratio was similar to earth though, with 31% land and 69% water[2]

Now you might be wondering, how can Malik cast spells while he is in Cyrosleep, answer is : He is technically no longer in cyrosleep, his body is still frozen? yes. He can move? also yes. How? Ask the system.

Remembering about the staff finally, Malik uses it the next time he is casting the spell, and to his surprise, the mana he needs to cast the spell has been significantly reduced.

Author notes :

[1] : Yes it is the same as the rankings in ROTSSG shut up.

[2] : Noice ;)