3. Finally Aqua

Chapter 3 : Finally Aqua

Almost 12 months have passed since Malik has entered this new environment, around a month after he first came here, he was able to plant in the minds of all the 50k people in the 2 different pods that he was their king and that his orders were absolute, their existence was to serve him and do whatever he asks of them, they will also have no thoughts of rebellion against him. He also planted different miscellaneous info in their minds, such as the english language and basic math, how to start a fire, how to build tents, how to make babies... etc etc. Of course, he didn't know how to start a fire nor build a tent, so how could he teach it to them? Well the system was a weird one, and he could convince it to give him many things of not great value for free, and so, through out that long year, many times had that occasion occurred.

Anyway, after using the spell close to 700 hundred times, it had reached level 3 with 13% proficiency. It could now plant info in the minds of 650 people at the same time, casting time decreased to 4 minutes, cooldown decreased from 5 to 4 minutes as well.

Another thing he managed to achieve around 7 month ago was reaching tier 2, or becoming a Master Mage. The top existences in Aqua were tier 3s or so, and Malik wasn't that far from there.

[Ding! Time till landing on Aqua : Aproximately 30 minutes.

Pods successfully detached from main ship.

As the system planted to operate the landing of the pods is not functioning, I shall take control of your landing.

Successfully activated thrusters on both pods.

Entering The atmosphere, please sleep tight.

The main system of the game has successfully connected to all members of this journey, making sure all members are listed as NPCs... Check.

Thrusters empty, deploying parachute.

Activating secondary thrusters as an extra safety precaution.

You will be landing in 1 minute, please brace for impact.

Landing successful, both pods are at around a distance of 50 meters from each other.

Deactivating cyro...]

before the system could continue and deactivate the cyrosleep, Malik interrupted it. "System, is there a way for me to erase the memory of the pods from the humans from earth? Like is there a way for me to get them out of the pods without them being aware of ever being in the pods in the first place? Is there also a way for me to just... erase these pods out of existence... like they were never there to begin with?"

[Yes host it is possible, there are different ways you could do this, by using for example the tier 4 spell "Large scale teleportation" or by using the tier 3 "memory erase" spell to get the humans outside the pods without them remembering the pods. There is also another method you could use, which is buying a large scale teleportation 1 time use tier 4 magic scroll from the system store.

Buying anything is possible with the help of the system store, as long as you enough system points. A tier 3 magic scroll such as the "Memory Erase" scroll costs 150 SP

which obviously you don't have, so you can borrow the remaining points from the system as long as you return them back with a 10% return interest.

As for the 2 pods, the simplest method of dealing with them is to simply put them in the your inventory. Every NPC has a small inventory, but thanks to me, your status as an NPC is special, and the space you have in your inventory... lets just say its very large shall we. Large enough to fit both pods]

Seeing as there was no other choice, Malik borrowed 145 SP from the system to purchase the Memory erase spell, then, after deactivating the cyrosleep, the first thing on the minds of the folk was getting out of the pods, how you may ask? Excellent question, one of the few miscellaneous things Malik planted into their minds was just that. So, 15 minutes later, after everyone was looking at their surroundings confused as to what is going on, Malik stored the pods into his inventory then used the memory erase scroll on all people except himself, erasing all the fresh memories they got just now.

Once again confused, everyone was standing around in their naked glory.

Something bad done by the humans who left earth was this : The gender disparity here. There were around 27,000 women while there was 23,000 males. One might ask why that even matters. It is for repopulation of course. 3 thousand females would be left without a mate. But of course, the knowledge-filled Malik found a solution for this. You see, previous Malik(one from our dimension) was a man of culture. I.e he has read many "Cultured" novels, and the solution he found for this was simple, Harem.

Many males, preferably the extra fertile ones, could start harems, of course his would be the largest, or the one consisting of the top tier beauties.

[Ding! Basic quest : "Assign a mate" received

Choose a mate for yourself and others, or let them do it for themselves

Time limit : 7 day

Rewards : Unknown

Punishment for failure : Extinction of humans from earth.

Ding! Basic quest "Choose a Mate" Received

Pick a mate for yourself before sunset.

Time limit : 14 hours

Rewards : Unknown

Punishment for failure : Sexual frustration and lack of intimacy leading to depression.

Ding! Long term quest "Repopulation" Received.

Increase the population of your people(people who see you as king) by 5,000 by the end of the year

Time limit : 1 year

Rewards : Unknown

Punishment for failure : Extinction of humans from earth. ]

With those quests given to him, Malik went around looking for the greatest beauty, for know he would maybe pick 1 or 2. And so he went around, wherever he went, looks of reverence followed him.

Seeing as they were doing nothing, Malik stood up on a large rock and commanded all the males to go look for fallen tree branches, or to collect tree trunks, to use for building a wall. He also ordered them to go hunting, hunting wild animals using wooden sticks or the such, food was needed after all.

At that moment all males got a quest by the main system(System of the planet)

[Ding! Quest "Build a Wall" Received.

Your king has ordered you to collect large fallen tree branches or tree trunks, use those to build a wall with a radius of 50 meters. Hurry up!

Time limit : Unset

Rewards for most contribution : 10,000 EXP, impressing the king, 50 copper, become alpha male, chance to become noble.

Rewards for normal contribution : 150 EXP, 10 copper.

Punishment for failure : Unknown.

Ding! Repeated Quest "Hunt an Animal" Received

Your king has ordered you to hunt animals or capture animals and return them to camp, Hurry up!

Time limit : 2 hours

Reward for most catches : 5000 EXP, 25 copper, impressing the king, become alpha male, chance to become noble.

Rewards per catch : 100 EXP, impressing females and perhaps getting a mate, 5 copper coins, satiate hunger.

[Note : The more catches the higher the chances of getting a prettier mate

Punishment for failure : Going hungry. ]

Of course, the rewards were given by the system, not Malik and with that, all the males left to the forest to collect wood, or hunt, while Malik was left with all the females for him to choose a mate.

Walking around the naked pretty women everywhere, 16 year old hormone filled Malik got hard, his 9 inch dragon awoken.