4. Mate picking and more quests

Chapter 4 : Mate picking and more Quests

Surprisingly, Malik found himself to be less attracted to the 'MILFs' or generally the women with extra large assets. While he found himself more attracted to the petite type of women. Especially those whose boobs fould fit in 1 hand of his.

Eventually, he found a woman with what is called the hourglass figure, with boobs just right, a skinny slightly muscular tummy, and a perfect round ass. She had black hair and with greyish eyes and a cute face. Looking at her, he could determine she was around 16-17, basically around his age. He made his choice, she was going to be his.

(cover photo)

After finally picking a mate for himself, and before he looked at the rewards for completing the quest, he assigned a few quests for the females as well.

[Ding! special Quest "Pick a Mate" Received

Find a suitable male to become your mate, by order of your king.

Time limit : 6 days

Rewards for alpha mate : 1,000 EXP, an extraordinary mate, 50 copper coins, an alpha male(an alpha is part of the upper echelons of the tribe)

rewards for above average mate : 200 EXP, 15 copper coins, and a strong dependable mate

Rewards for normal mate : 125 EXP, 5 copper coins, a mate.

Punishment for failure : Unknown

Ding! One time Quest "Start a Fire" Received

Use wood and your acquired skills to start a fire, by order of your king. Hurry up!

Time limit : 1 hour

Rewards for first completion : +5 Reputation within the tribe, 500 EXP, 30 copper coins, impressing the king and increasing the chances of finding an 'alpha' mate.

Punishment for failure : None

Ding! Quest "Cook" Received

The males will be bringing back wild game, use the started fire and your acquired skills to cook a delicious dinner.

Time limit : 4 hours

Rewards for best cook : +5 reputation within the tribe, 300 EXP, 20 copper coins, impressing the king and increasing the chances of finding an 'alpha' mate.

Rewards for above average cook : 200 EXP, 15 copper coins, increases the chances of finding a strong above average mate.

Rewards for normal cook : 125 EXP, 10 copper coins.

Punishment for failure : Lose cooking skill permanently. ]

Even the woman he chose wasn't spared from these quests, but instead for her, she found the quest "Pick a mate" already completed. She got a notification : Rewards for King as the mate : +10 reputation within tribe, 1,500 EXP, 1 bronze coin, chances of being declared the queen of the tribe.

Seeing that, she felt a deep warm kind of happiness filling her. Looking at the king standing in front of her, with his amazing muscles exposed, she immediately yelped after she caught sight of his 'sword'. Although she was extremely shy, she came up to him, give him a small peck on the lips, and ran to start a fire without looking back, her face completely red.

Back to Malik.

His face also became fully flushed red as well, as far as he could remember, that was his first kiss yet, so yes, vrigin boy was embarrassed. Quickly regaining his composure, Malik then called for his status, apparently that was a thing within all games and systems, and it was his first time opening his own.

[Status :

Name : Malik

Level : 0

EXP 0/500

Job : Master mage (Tier 2 mage)

HP : 4300/4300

Mana : 6400/6400

Stamina : 500/500

Money : 0

Longevity : 500 years [1]

Titles : King : Gives owner high charisma and could easily sway the hearts of a crowd. You will also enjoy treatment of a high class noble in many different small kingdoms, while might enjoy the status of small time noble in large kingdoms or medium size empires, might even be recognised as an honorary citizen in some large empires.

Transmigrator : You are not of this world, and you are aware of it. You have high talent for everything. You also receive the cheat of X2 EXP for the rest of your life.

Spells : Basic telekinesis - fire ball - ice wall - dark arrow - Basic levitate - Lightning strike - Poison bomb - Summon ice spirit - Large scale Info planting - Observe

Items : Secret-Silver staff "Fallen Angel" - 5 basic healing potions - 5 basic mana recovery potions - -145 SP(in debt)

Kingdom :

King over 50k people

loyalty : 100(max)

reputation : 10,000(Worship)

terreritories : Gavina region : Gavina forest (claimed)- Gavina plains (claimed) - Gavina mountains(Unclaimed as of yet) - Gavina back hills(unclaimed as of yet)

Nobles : None [2]


The transmigrator title definitely did shock him a bit, it way too OP. Other than that, basic Observe was a spell automatically gained after becoming a tier 1 mage, further advanced into Observe after becoming a tier 2 mage. Observe allows you to see other people's or monsters status, also allows you to see a things weaknesses/strengths, also the main difference between it and basic observe.

With nothing to do, and not wanting to dilly dally around, Malik headed to the forest, not to gather sticks or catch wild animals like the other men. Malik was instead headed into the core of the Gavina forest, where tier 1 monsters lurk.

The outer area of the Gavina forest contained wild animals between the levels of 0-5. The inner area contained tier 0 monsters between levels 6-19. While the core area consisted of tier 1 level 20-25 monsters. Which if any of them were provoked, could probably wipe out the 'settlement' by the 50k weak humans in the plains.

Yet, as a tier 2 mage, Malik believed he could successfully hunt there, bringing back a tier 1 monster's carcass. The thing about tier 1 beings was that energy circulated through their blood, and their meat was rich in said energy, which could help first off in increasing EXP, and secondly, they have a 5% chance to give a x1.5 EXP effect for 1 day. The second reason he was hunting tier 1 monsters was also due to their great drops. A tier 1 monster might just drop a couple bronze coins and perhaps even a secret-silver rank equipment.

Finally reaching the core area, he noticed the temperature there was significantly less than outside. Out in the plains, the temperature should be around a cool 23°C(73.4 Fahrenheit), while in here it would be be around a cool 15°C(59°F) [3]

Author's note :

[1] : Longevity is how long you will live basically

[2] : Nobles are people with 300 reputation within the kingdom. Becoming an alpha male directly grants +50 reputation

[3] : For some reason Fahrenheit is a method of measurement and now i gotta use a google converter for this garb... ughh American's probably form at least 50% of my audience so just great.