
If it weren't for his innocent voice, Adelaide would definitely feel like he was threatening her. However, Edel's eyes were pure as he asked that question.

As if he genuinely did not expect this to happen.

"Why do you think so?" Adelaide softly asked. This should be the first time they met since a pretty boy like this would definitely appear in the study hall's records as someone memorable. Therefore, there must be a reason.

Edel hesitated before answering in a small voice.

'A timid fella, I see.'

"People with white clothes and a code like you that I've seen were all dead. They were carried out by men in white coats, or soldiers with uniforms that I've never seen before."

His eyes searched for her expression to make sure she was not mad. Adelaide smiled unconsciously to ease his mind. When Edel's purple eyes met her wrist, he gasped in surprise, again.

"But you're not wearing that bracelet that they wore, m'lady."


Adelaide then realized one important thing that she missed.

'His eyesight is undeniably good. He can see what I'm wearing clearly when the only source of light is that weak moonlight outside. He was able to listen to what Baron Werewolf said when I couldn't.'

'His senses are sharper than mine.'


"It's nothing. Say, are your senses really sharp?" Adelaide asked nonchalantly. She then added a few words to make sure the four-year-old understood "I mean, have you ever noticed that you listen better than most people, and your eyes are good?"

"…all of my five senses are greatly enhanced" After a brief silence, the boy answered her honestly.

Adelaide noticed the light in his eyes had dimmed quite a bit.

"Father said I got something from mother, but he only knew of the inherited ability that I got, not this. That inherited ability is the reason for my survival. I did not tell anyone about having five senses; I would be a threat instead of a useful item to them."

This time, it was Adelaide's turn to be surprised.

'He talks like an adult. He's also smart.'

Adelaide, or the real Ly, was a little devil with no reasoning when she was four. Her parents had frequent headaches with her destroying stuff all day instead of praising their daughter like other people. It was a miracle that she grew up fine afterward.

'And don't let me get started on the rebellion phase. Ugh, it was embarrassing, to say the least.'

"I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone." Adelaide ruffled his hair gently as she answered.

It was soft. Edel flinched when she touched him, but he did not pull away.

"So, are you from the Baron family?" Adelaide was curious about where this boy in nice clothes came from. Since she could not locate him with her skill, he was like the only bug that bypassed the 'system'.

"…I'm not. I'm like a…collateral?"


'His vocabulary is great too. Are all four-year-olds in this world like this?'

"Yes, what was the phrase… a token of trust between partners?"

'So, he's also a noble.'

Adelaide thought this world, in its Second Industrial Revolution period, would be more modern and civilized. It turned out she should not impose Earth's situation with where she was.

Since, at the end of the day, they were different worlds with different laws and different people.

"You are a noble too, Edel. You don't have to call me m'lady if you want."

Adelaide was not an equity extremist, but the kid was by far the only resident of this world she could talk to, so she should at least be on friendly terms with him to get information. She felt slightly guilty for taking advantage of a child, but it should not put the four-year-old in harm.

'I mean, if you think about it, I'm a child too.'

"No, it's okay. I want to address you that way. I'm used to calling people like that. The world isn't fair, right, milady?"

'A noble's bastard son?'

"Fairness is humanity's, or any developing civilizations', wildest dream." Adelaide added the term "developing civilizations" hurriedly since she was not a hundred percent human herself. "We strive for it endlessly, yet never reach it. Though there have been improvements, so I guess that's good. But the privileged remain privileged."

"…I don't really get it, but at the same time, I feel like what you said is right."

"Ah, my bad. I'm sorry for the complicated wording."

For a second, Adelaide forgot Edel was only four. No matter how mature he looked, he was a kid. Though she suspected a forgotten young master like him would understand what she said best when he got older.

Adelaide herself had no plans on pushing for democracy in this world, since if she could someone sort out that new household of hers, then it's likely that a bright and comfortable would await her at the end of the road.

'I should soothe Alfred well too. Having the same genes is the best.'

'Plus, people protest only when they are being pressured excessively. If they are living fine and well, then who cares if it's a prime minister voted by citizens or a monarch that leads?'

Of course, she had no qualms if this world decided to head towards democracy later on. It would be incredibly stupid to try to go against the inevitable tides.

The two kids talked about random subjects for a while before Adelaide realized she needed to go. It was two in the morning, and although her 'mind' would not sleep with the help of the study hall, her tiny body needed rest before another dose of aie the next day.

'I never thought I would enjoy the company of a four-year-old. Well, this four-year-old is certainly different, but still.'

"I need to go back." Adelaide talked while pushing the door open slowly. She then added nonchalantly, "And I might run away soon. Maybe in a day or two?"

"Run away?" Edel's eyes widen in surprise. "You can do that? But there are people everywhere."

"Security's tight, especially outside this room. And yet, both of us got in. Did you see how I get in?"

"… I didn't. You just appear out of the blue. You actually have to go so soon?"

'...He doesn't want me to go. Cute.'

"If I can get in, then I have my way to get out." Adelaide answered and turned around to stroke the boy's soft hair one last time. It was soft and pleasant. "If I continue staying here, you may see my corpse one day instead of a living person. We both don't want that, do we?"

Adelaide was just joking, but Edel was terrified for real. He looked as if the person they were talking about was not her, but himself. Adelaide's conscience was pricked as she thought she should watch her words in the future when talking to little fellows.

It had been forever since she had talked to kids after all. An only child like her had no experience whatsoever.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn-"

"No, it's okay, please go, ah, I mean, get to somewhere safe." Edel's reaction was bigger than she expected. "I'm so sorry for being immature. But…um…"

Adelaide saw the boy hesitate while holding one of her sleeves timidly. Adelaide was never an affectionate person, but somehow, she could feel her motherly instinct kicked in a little. Then, before Adelaide knew it, she grabbed Edel's hand and urged him on with a gentle voice.

"It is normal for a kid to be immature so don't worry. I'm happy that you like me, even though this is the first time we met." Even Adelaide was surprised at her voice; she had never talked in this sincere tone before.

"…I also don't know why, m'lady. You just kind of…attract me. But…can you come to see me one last time before you go?"

"Will you be here?"

"I'll be here."

"Then it's a promise."

Adelaide agreed instantly, which made Edel's expression lit up in delight. Some doubts appeared in her head, but she got rid of them, as weird scenarios popped up in her brain all the time, even in Adelaide's past life.

'People need good karma too.'

Maybe she should not have agreed, since she may expose herself. Adelaide had a doubtful nature, so she would not usually make promises like this with someone she knew for a night, especially when that someone is a resident of a fantasy world she knew nothing about.

She bid goodbye to Edel before walking to a dark corner without moonlight and teleporting back. Her mind was occupied by all the information she acquired.

'You won't bite me, right Edel? We had such a good time. You know, if I'm not a kid right now, I may consider recreating that movie cliché where I became a mother figure and the only source of light in your world filled with darkness. Then I'll gain something like a follower, who would put their trust in me like a devout believer.'

'Too bad I'm a small child. Hhm, wait…?'

Adelaide paused for a bit, but then she smiled, shook her head, and climbed on the familiar metal bed.


After analyzing the map and figuring out where her destination would be, Adelaide did not feel like she should stay there any longer. The aie doses were painful, and even though it seemed like the metal's properties helped her in gaining teleportation, there was no guarantee it was good to her small body.

Adelaide could end up die young for all she knew. Now that she had a plan, no more patience was needed. A modern citizen with low pain tolerance like her should get away as soon as possible before turning into a mental patient for real.

'It's not like I'm a masochist. I should escape at night to prevent any unnecessary ruckus.'

'I'll go to the Baron's office again to see if there's anything useful inside his drawers first. And fulfill my first promise in this world. I feel a bit sorry for Edel, but at least he was treated better here. I'm powerless at the moment so there's nothing I can do. The Winford duchy is unreliable now that Alfred is still young.'

When Adelaide made up her mind, threw the last bits of concern to the back of her head, and got out of the study hall to the real world, she heard footsteps heading towards her, like usual.

'Here comes my last dose.'

Adelaide tried to be cooperative this time, but her attitude did not matter. She was tied up regardless. She wanted to give them a final good impression since they would not have the chance to see her pretty face anymore.

It was a shame because Adelaide was sure she would grow to be a gorgeous young lady in the future.

Except for being ideal as test subjects, there were many perks in inheriting elven blood, especially…

'Beauty, beauty, beauty.'

Adelaide hummed internally before greeting her last bad headache.