Young Master Adrian Of Winford

Young Master Adrian Of Winford

Fantasy45 Chapters85.5K Views
Author: LucienNg
Table of Contents

[A fantasy novel, not romance-oriented, with a female MC.]

To Ly, transmigration wasn’t scary.

However, having her soul shoved into a random six-year-old with issues popping up one after another sure was troublesome. If fate was real, then it must be playing jokes on her.

"Don’t worship fate. Fate is nothing but a series of coincidences.”

She gained powers that Earth's citizens would never get the chance to acquire. Hell, not even humans in this new world were born with powers.

But it was a world where different races co-existed, and Ly/Adelaide was now a half-elf. With the determination to grow and live luxuriously like how this body's noble identity should be, Adelaide decided to put her little power to good use.

To achieve her ultimate goal, she figured doing things the hard way for a while would not be so bad.

"I'll do anything for a future of wealth and longevity."

No matter what happened, Adelaide would never let people step all over her.

(The background image used for the cover belongs to the artist. Please understand that all credits goes to them.)

51 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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One of my favorite tropes. Another transmigration story. Review Proper (Warning: Might contain spoilers. I don't want to use the spoiler system since it will make my review all mushy with no spacings.) Writing Quality. I see no g-errors which made reading really smooth. I am also amazed with the how detailed the thoughts the author put in each of the scene making it very vivid. Stability of Updates, Hmm, the updates are stable so far. Story Development, Many said that the starting chapters are pretty dragging, I guess it could be if you are used to reading fast paced stories. But here, I guess it's natural since it's the perfect way on how the protagonist, Ly, was introduced to her new world as Adelaide. But as you continue to read especially when she met a kid, probably one of the potential male lead, the pacing move more swiftly and each chapter gets more interesting. Character Design. The fl Ly/Adelaide is strong and smart and also "real". Her emotions feels real and can be relatable most of the time. She is not the Mary Sue type where she is suddenly good at everything. It seems the author knows how to shape her in a natural way. And since she transmigrated into a child's body, she is surely knows how to use advantage of that but not too much that it will look out of line. And I wonder where the OG Adelaide soul went though? The other side characters, I hope to see some more growth and story to them as the fl develops too. World Background. The world background is quite intriguing. A mixture of modern or more advance science plus magic. Something that can really great look forward too. Usually most works that I read prioritize more magic and really try to avoid the science behind it since it is really cause more tons of research for any writers. But the novel here, I can see the effort and time the author put into this work making any readers appreciate more such work. Recommendation: To any fan of transmigration story, you can give this story a try and see for yourself if this will be unique with other same genre. But to me, with such well-thought story line, I can see it standing out to more of the same genres already. Keep up the great work, author!

3 years ago

The author knows what he's doing. A rather unique novel about dreams. The fluency was top-notched and I can say that this got potential. There was nothing that I can find to improve on and was amazed at how the plot was carefully made. Kudos! Keep it up and you will find success!

3 years ago

Simply an awesome book! It will hook you from the very be honest it was my first time reading something dream related and it surely didn't disappoint me! I didn't realize that I actually completed reading till the latest chapter...I just wanted more and more! Definitely loved the storyline and I am definitely caring about the characters it just breaks my heart to see them suffer overall amazing book hope to see new chapters soon!! :)

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

First of all, I love the cover, it looks rather interesting but it would have been somehow better if the person in the image had a more feminine look despite the clearly male features. Very well, there are several things I can say about this novel, although this is not my kind of genre I'll try to give a review from a grammatical standpoint and also, from the writing skills that I can perceive. You can tell the author is well-versed with words, the book has excellent delivery and usage of synonyms, I believe one has to be abundant enough to not sound too stuck up, but also not exaggerated enough to sound too poetic as the seriousness of the story would otherwise be lost, and this book does that really well, excellent count for words between each paragraph. I truly can do nothing except for wishing you good luck and success with this story, best regards.

3 years ago

Not gonna lie, the writing quality is immersive and brilliant! It's like I'm reading a western book sold in a library! I will definitely read more! I like the pacing of the scene, the thoughts of Ly, and everything! Good job, mate!

3 years ago

From the beginning this book makes you crawl through the mud, picking every clue you can. It's incredible. It doesn't get boring whatsoever, and makes me want to read more, only to get left with more questions. I think the writing style of this book is amazing, such a beautiful and descriptive way of words, creating almost a puzzle that the reader has to solve. I believe author as laid the information they gave us in a certain way, and is placed specifically. The world building is phenomenal, as is characters. Ly is honestly an amazing character. This book is very well done. Keep up the good work author!

3 years ago

This book is those type of books that pull you in, leaving you with no option but to give in to the drag. I mean, you just get hooked and that's it. In my opinion, I think the narration is pretty neat. It's not just me saying. Read and you'll see for yourself. MC(Ly/Adelaide) is a calmly collected individual. Like transmigrating into this new world, what she's forced to go through, it's just commendable how she reacts way more composed than the so-called adults. World is pretty developed. The picture is clear enough for you to see what our MC sees and it's a good thing. The story is smoothly developing and the character; Adelaide, it is so cool reading about how she's going to evolve in this new body and in her life path generally. Great job, author.

3 years ago

The story is so amazing I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, just trying to hurry up and read the next word. I also had more interest in your book cover choice. It's very captivating. 5 stars, all the way. Keep doing what you do, you're an amazing author and I believe you will be the greatest one day. You can do this!

3 years ago

This is GREAT! I loved the dream related idea here. The story will get you hooked within a few minutes of reading. It's descriptive, enjoyable, interesting and creative. The writing quality is so good. The grammar is good. There were no hiccups. The story is developed steadily. I could say that the story is a well planned one. The writer had brilliantly chosen what to reveal at the moment. I would say that the author is extremely talented and smart. I enjoyed this suspenseful approach. Character design is awesome. Ly is so cool. I love her already. I'm still at the beginning of the story. But I could say the world background is good. Overall this is an excellent novel. Keep up the good work author! I wish you the best of luck!

3 years ago

Interesting so far. I love the setup of her having really vivid dreams, so she thinks her new predicament is just another dream. It will probably ,make it even more horrific when she realizes this is real. You used the wrong word here and there and there are some sentences telling us things we already know but overall your writing is good. The mystery of what is going on in her new life is a good hook that makes you want to read more. I think I will be coming back to this novel.

3 years ago

Ah, Fate is such a real struggle when it hit you in a very peculiar way like what happened to the character’s souls. The creator of the story is good in giving details to her work. One of a kind fantasy novel where the plot was carefully made!

3 years ago

I love this story! I really recommend it! And I hope the author has time to finish the story! ..............................................................

3 years ago

The book cover and the title caught my attention, reading the first chapter made me want more. please keep updatin. can't wait to read more.

3 years ago

A very nice story with a solid plot. It has enough intrigue to pull you in from just reading the synopsis. There are little to no grammatical errors making this a very easy read. Amazing work author! [img=recommend]

3 years ago