In a world where summoners wield the power to call forth vampires, elves, angels, demons, and all humanoid creatures from across the realms, Nathan found himself unable to summon beings except from beasts.
However, those beasts are not ordinary beasts. They are divine beings who once stood at the same level, if not higher, than the legendary creatures the world ever knew.
Casting his gaze to the left, Nathan sees numerous summoners accompanied by the likes of demon kings, archangels, vampire progenitors, and other legendary beings. Turning to the right, a massive army of alien symbiotes is waiting to attack.
There was no fear in his eyes, because standing on his left is a majestic wolf who managed to kill a god, the legendary eight-headed serpent coils on his right, above him is the bird who is glowing like the sun, and behind him is a dragon that once gnawed the roots of the world tree.
“Let the war begin.”
Hello, everyone. Fixten here. I'm a sucker for mythologies, and I find it fun writing about them. They are the legendary beings of the past that we know but will never see. However, I've read a lot about them being sponsors, backers, or whatever you call it. So, it'll be nice to actually have them as friends who will stand beside you and grow alongside you. Yeah, I'll be sure to enjoy this grand adventure. I hope you do too~
Reveal Spoiler
another book already...................😭
The G.O.A.T is back again with yet another banger . I really enjoyed your God Of Tricksters novel and I can't wait to start and stick with this novel as well Keep up the good work sir
I've read the author's previous books and that is enough for me to know that this book is peak. (Review sponsored by Fixteen)
I love summoners. The author has also written a book about mythology, so I have high expectation for the divine beasts the MC will summon.
super livre....bonne écriture...à recommander pour une première lecture
I thought it was a novel about the game I play hahhaha