
Jinwu looked down, falling into deep thought. "It's hard. As you already know, a domain is one's territory. Synchronizing one domain with another is like putting two lions on a single mountain."

"But you have done it with Risa's blood domain."

"That's true, but that's because she is placing her own domain underneath me…" Jinwu fell silent. In this scenario, Anubis' domain should be on top. In other words, he, a divine beast, should lower himself. However, the problem was Nathan.

Although they indeed argued about everything, all his beasts had one agreement they had to follow strictly. After seeing how many times Nathan, who was supposed to be their main pillar in this world, risked his life, they had agreed that they would lower their pride so that no harm would reach Nathan.

Jinwu took a deep breath before nodding his head. "Fine. Let's do it."