
"What? We're going to use your teleportation again?" Bella's eyebrows twitched. "Do you know your current condition?"

"I know. But I'm not sure about the enemy's movements. They're so mysterious that I can't comprehend them. I don't even know whether other students manage to reach the city safely or not." Evelyn nodded. "That's why it's better for me to use my teleportation to bring us back.

"Thanks to you calming down my ena, I should be able to bring us back home. After that, even without the healing ability, I can start repairing my vein myself."

Evelyn summoned Ilya. "Ilya. I'm sorry for asking you this, especially in your current condition. Can you teleport us as close as possible to home? I will do the rest."

Ilya looked shocked, but she chose to trust her summoner in this situation. "If you do that, there should be a beacon you place in that garden of yours whenever you want to return after sneaking out.