After the distribution, Jinwu was currently the one with the most ena. With a whooping 60,000 ena, he basically could kill a lot more aliens as well as fight an even stronger opponent. At this rate, he believed Jinwu could fight Flora's spirit head-on.
At the same time, Fenrir had also reached another threshold. Even though he only had 50,000 ena, his quality had improved, which meant unlocking more skills.
However, Nathan had to note that the process of unlocking skills, or more like the increase of the quality between him and his divine beasts, were different.
Jinwu and Fenrir appeared to have the same threshold, which was 50,000. Meanwhile, his thresholds were 30,000 and 100,000 ena. However, he didn't know whether the divine beast had another threshold at 100,000 ena or not.