Nathan raised his eyebrows.
When Alan waved his sword at him, he actually launched a crescent-shaped sword wave instead of extending the blade as usual.
The speed and the power were much different from the previous method. It was like Noelle's, filled with power and lacking speed.
Still, at this distance, it was hard for Nathan to avoid it.
He promptly created a shield with all his power, blocking the attack just for a split second. He used that time to get away, barely avoiding it.
After that, Alan leaped into the air. With Nathan throwing his body away, he wouldn't have the necessary balance to get away from him. Hence, this would be the first time to attack him.
And this was when Jinwu's power manifested. Several feathers flew toward Alan, startling him.
"!!!" Alan created a long sword and pierced through the building far away, using it to stop his momentum and ultimately avoiding those feathers.